Skin Walkers: Taken Read online

Page 9

  In another odd change, Monroe had demanded—out of the blue—that she give up her apartment in the main Estate house and take up residence in one of the many cabins that dotted the backside of the Estate. The cabins were typically reserved for families or mated couples, so it didn’t make sense. She’d had her debriefing with Monroe and Fatal several days ago. Rohm was noticeably absent, but that didn’t mean she’d call out anything he’d said. Like Rohm, she’d denied that anything had happened between them as cleverly as she could. She knew Walkers could scent lies, so she’d managed to skirt any direct questions and imply that the closest she and Rohm had gotten was cuddling for warmth. Monroe had dipped his head in acceptance, while Fatal had simply stared at her with a scowl the entire time.

  King’s words jerked her from her reverie. “Damn it, Nyree! I’m trying to ask nicely here, but I can make it an order. I am your Commanding Officer.”

  She sighed and dropped her shovel, arms shaking from fatigue. “Alright, Commander. I’ll go.”

  “Good,” King huffed out, planting hands on hips to stare down at her. “I don’t want to see you back out here for four days. Understood?”

  Apparently, her exhaustion and malnourishment hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Turning, she wiped sweaty palms on her BDU’s and smiled at several of her team as she passed. They’d all been taking alternating shifts of four days on and four days off while she’d been working straight through, but apparently that was at an end.

  It was cold now, full-on winter in Montana, and the snow crunched under her feet while flakes drifted down from the sky. If there was a plus side to being moved to the cabins, it was that hers was equipped with a hearth and a Jacuzzi tub. Plan of action? Build a fire, long hot bath, food, and sleep. It sounded glorious.

  Walking behind the main estate house, she waved to a group of kids who had a bonfire roaring in the communal area. Part of her wanted to stop to warm her hands, but she was running out of energy fast and her last reserves would go toward bathing and cooking.

  On the porch of her cabin she stomped her feet before stepping inside. She’d left the heat on a toasty seventy-four, but once she stripped out of her coat, hat, and scarf she realized that the thin sheen of sweat on her body left her shivering.

  Okay, fire first.

  The cabin was small, but perfect. The front door entered straight into a small sitting room that had two leather sofas in an ‘L’ shape facing the hearth, with a flat screen TV hung above it. It was an open floor plan, so only a granite-topped island separated the living room from the kitchen filled with exquisite dark tile and all black appliances. She assumed it was because she had no family or mate, but her cabin didn’t have a dining area. Tall barstools were situated under the lip of the island, and that’s where she sat to eat.

  Squatting in front of the hearth in her socked feet, Nyree crumpled old newspaper she kept stacked beside her basket of wood. Setting the newspaper balls in the center of the hearth, she stacked thinner pieces of kindling and lit a match. It took a second to catch, but once the kindling was going bright, she stacked bigger logs on top, made sure they caught, then disappeared from the small front room, down a hall on the side of the kitchen that led to her bedroom and the bathroom.

  Nyree stripped on the way, pulling her sweat soaked shirt over her head and tucking it under her elbow, then reaching behind to unclip her bra, letting it hang loose as her hands went to work unhooking her belt.

  The bathroom was large enough for her Jacuzzi tub, toilet, sink, and an over/under washer and dryer. Standing in front of the unit, she stuffed her dirty work clothes into the washer and turned it on before padding to the tub and letting it fill with steamy water. Her stomach grumbled it’s annoyance at being put off. She snagged two towels, laying one on the rim of the tub and rolling one to tuck behind her neck as she slipped into the hot bath, shut off the water, and relaxed back, closing her eyes with a contented sigh.

  These were the moments, these alone with nothing to do moments, when thoughts of Rohm filled her head. She wondered where he was, what he was doing. Most of the Keepers—including Rohm—had been staying in rooms built over the gymnasium. That structure had taken a hit during the attacks on the Estate, so she wasn’t quite sure where the Keepers were now being housed. She’d also made a conscious effort not to ask. Now though, she wondered.

  Rohm had declared she was his, but she hadn’t caught a glimpse of him since she told him she needed time. Part of her was upset by that. If she really were his, wouldn’t he seek her out? He’d said he wouldn’t give her too much time, but apparently he’d changed his mind. Meanwhile, she couldn’t figure out if she was playing hard to get, or if she really did want this space. The only thing she knew for certain was that she missed him. The scent of him, the warmth from his big body when he’d held her at night, had become addicting in the few nights they’d been held captive. She missed Zavier too.

  That had her chin lowering as she lifted a wet hand to trace down between her breasts. Rohm had said Zavier was a part of her now. She wondered if she could summon him, but opted not to try while in the bath. The last time she’d emitted him, she’d nearly blacked out, and wouldn’t that just be her luck? Passing out and drowning in her own tub before she got any resolution with Rohm wasn’t something she wanted, so she forced thoughts of him and Zavier aside and concentrated on what she’d make herself for dinner. She desperately wanted ooey gooey lasagna; however, she knew her belly wouldn’t tolerate the prep and cooking time. Hmm, peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Not filing enough. She did have some steaks in her fridge, along with a head of Romaine and a pop-tube of French loaf that she could bake while she cooked her steak and tossed a salad together. Sold!

  Decided, Nyree hurried to wash and condition her hair, scrub the hard day’s work from her body, then step from the tub. She rubbed the towel over her hair before drying off then wrapping it around her body. She could practically smell her steak. Salivating now, she bypassed her room to go straight to the kitchen to pre-heat the oven, slamming to a halt when she saw a massive set of shoulders hunched over her stove.

  She hadn’t imagined the scent of food, Rohm was in her kitchen cooking.


  He turned slowly as if he knew she’d been watching him.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked softly, almost afraid she was having hunger hallucinations.

  “Cooking,” he answered plainly, then went back to whatever it was he was doing.

  Nyree’s chin jerked down. She definitely didn’t want to have this conversation in nothing but a towel, so she rushed to her room to quickly pull on a bra and panties before covering herself with a tank top and comfortable lounge pants. Ducking into the bathroom, she ran a brush through her hair, braiding it quickly before grabbing a tube of lipstick, dabbing a bit on her finger and rubbing it on her lips for a hint of color. She considered doing more, but didn’t want to look too made up.

  When she got back to the kitchen, Rohm was setting out silverware on the island alongside a tall glass of milk. He pointed toward the seat. “Sit.”

  Nyree swallowed hard and did as he commanded. “Rohm? Why are you here?”

  His response was to set a plate in front of her. He’d cooked the steak she had and it smelled wonderful. Beside the steak was a mountain of macaroni and cheese and a pile of steamed peas and carrots.

  She grabbed her fork and looked up. “You not eating?”

  “Already ate.” He wiped his hands on a towel, frowning down at her. “Eat.”

  She bristled but took a bite, asking around her mac and cheese, “Why are you so angry?”

  He stopped wiping and braced his arms on the countertop opposite her. “You’ve been starving yourself, and working too damn much. Why?”

  She took another big bite of the macaroni and cheese to keep from answering, shrugging as she dipped her eyes to study her plate. She didn’t want to admit that he had her tied up in knots.
Swallowing her food, she lifted her glass and took a long swallow of milk.

  “I had a meeting with Fatal shortly after you met with him and Monroe. I told them everything.”

  She stilled with her glass halfway to the table, her interest piqued. “And?”

  “And they already knew.”

  Her hands stalled halfway to the silverware beside her plate as she glanced at him wondering what that would mean for them. Taking up her knife, she cut into her steak feigning indifference. She took a bite of the steak and suddenly her worry fled. She wanted to moan as succulent juices spilled into her mouth. Damn, Rohm can cook! She knew she should be focusing on the news he’d just given her, but the food was so good, and her starved belly growled its appreciation. She popped another bite of steak into her mouth and chewed, stopping to ask, “How?”

  “The second Fatal saw you…scented you, he knew. He sensed Zavier inside you.”

  “Ooooh.” She nodded slowly. So, he’d only come clean because he’d been caught. The knowledge stung. She was tempted to throw that fact in his face, but held back because it wasn’t just his denouncement of her that had wounded her. No, it was the fact that he’d laid claim to her without really knowing her. She’d thought on his last words to her for countless nights.

  “I know what I want, Nyree. It’s you. You’re already mine. I won’t wait long,” he’d warned.

  She’d replied with, “I know.” And she did know. She’d trained with Rohm long enough to know that when he wanted something he went after it, but she didn’t want to be chased like that. She didn’t want him coming after her because she was something he simply wanted. She wanted him to need her, and how could he need her if he didn’t even know her? Hell, they’d fiercely disliked each other up to the point where they’d been taken.

  Setting down her utensils, she took up her napkin and wiped at her lips. “I know you said you wouldn’t wait long, but…”

  “Yeah.” He bit out the word, cutting her off as he pushed off the counter where he’d been standing with his thick arms crossed over his broad chest. “Not staying. Not here to force anything. Just wanted you fed.” He stalked toward the door. “Get some sleep, Nyree, and I suggest you start taking better care of yourself. You carry Zavier now, and it’s taxing housing a Soul Sentry. I can feel when he’s worn, hungry…needing.” He jerked the door open and turned to frown at her over his shoulder. “I know you want time, but decide soon. My patience wears thin.”

  “Decide,” she rushed out before he could leave. “So I have a choice? If I don’t want this claiming, I can refute it?”

  Rohm’s lips pressed into a thin line and she stared at her long moments before answering. “You can choose whether or not you’re happy about it. Regardless, I am yours.” The door closed firmly behind him as Rohm left her cabin.

  Chapter 18

  The next day Nyree paced the grounds with Lilly Mulholland. She’d slept till a little after noon, and had a large meal before calling Lilly for a walk about the Estate. Mated to the Chief of Security, King, Lilly had insight into what was happening with the Estate and the absent Dominant.

  “So, how are things between you and Rohm?”

  Nyree lifted a hand to massage the tense muscles at the back of her neck. “I haven’t seen him lately, but I can feel him.” She peeked over her shoulder. “I know he’s been watching me, but he won’t come to me.”

  Lilly gave her a rueful smile, bending to dust snow off a bench before dropping to sit on it. “I’m sure it was pretty tense being held captive like that. King said they tortured you.” She peeked up. “Is it something you wanna talk about?”

  Nyree sighed as she lowered herself onto the bench beside Lilly. “It was just a few cuts. Nothing serious.”

  But Lilly could see one of the scars peeking out from beneath the collar of Nyree’s shirt. It wasn’t ‘nothing serious’. “Maybe Rohm’s staying away because he feels like he failed you. You know how these Alpha males are. If they haven’t fully kept you from pain they think they didn’t do their job or something.”

  Nyree lifted her chin and frowned at the skyline. “I asked him to stay away.”

  “Oh.” Lilly dipped her chin. “He didn’t… Everything was okay between you two in there, right?”

  Jerking her head in a nod, Nyree swallowed and looked away. “I really don’t want to talk about Rohm or what happened in that cage.” She looked at Lilly. “Can we let it go?”

  “Sure.” Lilly held up her hands. “Whatever you want. We don’t have to talk about it ever again.”

  “Thanks,” Nyree muttered.

  “But before we drop it, I just want to put out there that I’m here if you ever wanna talk, or hang out, or…or just sit in silence, but not sit alone.”

  Nyree was surprised by the tears that flooded her eyes at the offer. “Thanks.” She looked up as Lilly stood and turned to face her.

  “You bet. Just know I’m here Nyree if you ever need…”

  Her words died off, and when Nyree looked up at her puzzled, Lilly’s gaze was fixed on something above Nyree’s head. Glancing over her shoulder, Nyree froze as Rohm stalked toward them, his angry eyes fixed on her.

  Before he got to them he was already speaking. “You didn’t go to the infirmary,” he accused.

  Standing, Nyree turned to face him. “No, I…” She didn’t get to finish. Rohm bent and scooped her up before turning and heading back in the direction from which he’d come.

  “Hey!” Nyree growled. “Put me down, Rohm!”

  Lilly hurried behind them. “Should I call…someone?”

  “NO!” Rohm bellowed, at the same time Nyree growled, “YES!”

  Rohm frowned at her without stopping. “The Doctor, Jenny, should have seen you right away! How will we know if you carry my child?”

  Nyree felt her cheeks singe, and when she peeked over Rohm’s broad shoulder at a gape-mouthed Lilly, she knew the cat was out of the bag.

  “Child?” Lilly whispered.

  “I’m on birth control,” Nyree hissed quietly.

  “Keeper seed is strong!” Rohm growled.

  That revelation had Nyree paling. She was on birth control, all female Sentries were, but she wasn’t dealing with an average male, and the thought that she could be carrying his child had her suddenly worried and feeling like maybe she should have checked in with Jenny once she’d returned to StoneCrow. Her wounds had mostly healed while she’d been held captive, and the Estate was in such a state of turmoil when she’d returned that she hadn’t wanted to be a burden. Now though, she regretted it.

  She put a tentative hand on her stomach. I could be carrying our baby?

  “Nyree?” Lilly queried shakily.

  “It’s alright, Lil. I’m sorry.” And it wasn’t just because they’re conversation had abruptly ended. No, she was sorry she hadn’t confided in the other woman that more had taken place while she’d been held captive than the few scars she’d acquired.

  “It’s alright.” Lilly dismissed her apology as she half-jogged to keep up with Rohm’s giant steps. “Should I,” she looked from Rohm to Nyree, “get King? Or Fatal?”

  The way she asked let Nyree know she thought that Nyree had hidden the truth from everyone because it may not have been consensual. It didn’t help that mere moments ago she’d told Lilly that she’d asked Rohm to stay away from her.

  “It’s fine, Lilly. None of this is Rohm’s fault. He didn’t do anything wrong. Honest.” She pushed at his chest. “Stop. Put me down. Please, Rohm.”

  He stopped walking and scowled down at her.

  “I’ll go see Jen, I just want to walk in there on my own.”

  “I’m coming,” Rohm growled in a gruff tone that told Nyree he’d accept no refusal.

  “Fine. Come, but let me do the talking.” She glanced at Lilly. “I’m sorry, Lil. Can we catch up another time?”

  Lilly threw her hands in the air, palms facing Nyree and backed up a step. “Absolutely. Go, do what you need to do. An
d, Nyree, I’m here if you need me for anything.”

  Nyree nodded her appreciation and turned to Rohm, heaving a great breath. “Let’s do this.”


  Rohm followed Nyree, offended that she’d made him set her down, but mostly he was pissed with himself. He’d assumed the Walkers who took Nyree from the Megalya compound would have ensured she’d was taken care of. She hadn’t been. After being held and tortured, she hadn’t even been seen by their doctor. It was grating, especially because it was his responsibility to make sure Nyree was taken care of and he’d failed. Again.

  Behind her his nostrils flared as he attempted to scent life growing within her, but all he could smell was her fruity shampoo and exhaust from the machines that chugged nearby, working to rebuild the Estate.

  He knew she was still angry with him and it bothered him. He’d hoped their time apart would have her yearning to see him, to speak to him. He’d been aching for her. So much so, he’d gone to the infirmary to talk with Jenny regarding him and Nyree’s time together, and to see if Nyree had offered Jenny any insight on their time in captivity and the fact that he’d claimed her while they were being held. He was shocked and angered to learn that Jenny had no idea what he was talking about. Jenny had assumed Nyree had been cleared by the medics on the team who’d rescued them, and she’d had no clue that the Megalya doctor had cut Nyree up while she’d been held. Most shocking to Jenny though was the fact that he and Nyree had slept together. She was highly concerned, because Walker pregnancies were a strain on human females and while she was well aware of the Keepers penchant for simply taking women and seeding them, she had no knowledge of what a Keeper child would do to a human female, even one as strong as Nyree, because no pregnancies from Keepers had occurred yet at the Estate.