Skin Walkers: Taken Read online

Page 5

  Nyree made to head back to the cage, but was jerked toward the exam table. She fought them this time, earning herself a punch to the face that nearly knocked her out before they got her strapped down.

  Her chest heaved as the result of her effort and her anger. “Doctor” Sicko was back and was hovering over her, examining the wounds he’d inflicted the day before.

  “Interesting,” he mumbled to himself.

  He pulled the drawer under the table open and Nyree’s heart rate accelerated. Is he going to cut me again? She tried to steel herself as she watched him lift the scalpel.

  “Don’t fucking touch her,” Rohm growled from across the room.

  “Glad I have your attention.” He left Nyree’s side to pace toward Rohm. “There is something I need. Something you are going to do for me.”

  “What?” Rohm growled.

  “I want you to seed the female.”

  Nyree’s mind raced to keep up. Seed? At first she didn’t understand what the ugly little man meant, but then her face paled when she realized exactly what it was he was asking.

  Rohm’s response was instantaneous. “No.”

  “I’m not asking,” Chambers countered. “I’m telling you what I want done.”

  “NO!” Rohm boomed.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” The monster turned from the Keeper and strode with renewed determination toward Nyree. “Perhaps more damage will change your mind.”

  Nyree tensed as he approached and, without a single word, yanked her bodice down, exposing her bare breasts to the leering guards as he cut an ‘x’ across one nipple.

  “NOOOOOOO!” Nyree screamed furiously. She wasn’t going to beg him to stop, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him force Rohm into “seeding” her.

  Rohm roared furiously, drawing the Doctor’s attention. “Well?”

  Nyree’s head snapped to the side, her eyes locking with Rohm’s. He was watching her, waiting. She shook her head with pleading eyes. He couldn’t give in simply because the monster had cut her again.

  Long seconds passed before he sighed. “Have it your way.”

  Nyree watched with heightened panic as the male moved lower. He shoved the lacy skirt that barely covered her parted legs to the side. She began to thrash against the restraints, but her arms, legs, and torso were all firmly secured and she couldn’t do more than writhe, causing her wrists to burn and her muscles to ache. “If you cut me again, I’ll fucking end you.”

  Chambers merely laughed, a low, evil chuckle, and Nyree tensed, going eerily silent and still when she felt him press the blade against the inside bend between her legs.

  “Don’t. STOP!”

  He pushed, running the blade down next to her sex, continuing to cut a trail down the inside of one thigh. He was pushing harder than he had before, cutting deeper, and Nyree couldn’t hold back her ragged scream.

  “AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!” She thrashed violently against the restraints, trying in vain to move away from the blade.

  Rohm roared, and she heard metal clanging. She knew he was trying to break free as snarls and growls echoed through the basement.

  “STOP!” Rohm roared, and Chambers actually did as he was told.

  Nyree couldn’t see the madman’s features through the tears that blinded her, pain like nothing else assailing the vicious cut.

  “Put her back in the cell, then release the Keeper.” Chambers returned his scalpel to the drawer, then exited the basement, leaving the guards to release a shuddering Nyree from the table before hauling her up and dragging her back to the cell.

  Her hands were clamped at her chest, holding her bodice up as her nipple throbbed painfully and bled through the gown. Between her legs she could feel warm blood coursing down her leg, leaving a crimson trail.

  Quickly, the guards opened the cell, shoved her inside, and relocked the door.

  Nyree hit the floor hard, ignoring the guards as they circled around to release Rohm, who was growling in a constant rumble now. Blinking back tears, Nyree turned slightly away from the Keeper and guards to inspect the wound between her legs. It was deep. Too deep. She whimpered as she closed her legs tightly, pulling the flimsy skirt tight to hide her legs. Pulling the top of the gown up as high as it would go, she groaned at the pain the action brought to her still bleeding nipple.

  Behind her, she heard a ferocious growl and one guard shout, “Hey!”

  Jerking her head to look over her shoulder, she watched Rohm turn with inhuman quickness as his hands were released. He had one guard by the wrist. Rohm jerked hard, bringing the guards face and body into contact with the cage bars with a sickening thud. Terrified, the other guard stumbled back so fast he tripped and landed on his ass as he frantically jerked his pistol free of its holster. “L-l-let him go!” He commanded, pointing the weapon at Rohm.

  Rohm released the guard and the man hit the floor, hard. The guards eyes stared, unblinking, up at the ceiling. Death was a very good look on him in Nyree’s, admittedly biased, opinion.

  “You fucking monster!” The other guard seethed as he got to his feet, his hands trembling as he pointed his pistol at the Keeper. “DR. CHAMBERS!” he shouted, but the sadistic, so-called ‘doctor’ didn’t appear.

  Rohm ignored the guard as he inched closer, still holding his gun leveled on Rohm. Trembling, he grabbed his dead friend’s hand and drug the body away.

  Dropping to his knees at her side, Rohm gripped Nyree’s shoulders. “Let me see.”

  She attempted to shrug him off. “It’s fine. I’m…fine.”

  He didn’t wait. Strong hands turned her, shoving her hands away to peel the top of the gown down.

  “Hey!” She tried to cover up, but Rohm flashed his teeth and growled at her, stilling any resistance she might have put up. She was annoyed that she actually blushed as the Keeper examined her bare breasts.

  He left the top down and gripped her thighs.

  Nyree shoved his hands away, curling her legs in tightly to her body. “Leave it!” To her surprise, when she looked up to meet Rohm’s eyes, his expression had softened. He looked almost sad.

  His tone was gentle as he spoke. “I need to see how bad it is.”

  She swallowed hard, but when his large hands gently curled behind her calves, she didn’t fight when he eased her legs straight.

  “Okay?” he asked softly.

  She dropped her gaze to his chest and nodded.

  He took painstaking care to ease the skirt off her thighs before placing his hands on her knees and coaxing her legs slowly apart. When he spoke, his voice was enraged. “It’s deep.”

  She didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded again.

  “I’ll do your chest first…”

  He didn’t get to finish as she jerked back out of his hold, slamming her legs closed. “You’re not doing anything!”

  Rohm rose to his full height as he growled down at her, “I’m closing those wounds, Nyree.”

  Shaking her head, she scooted back even as he stalked her across the cell. Her back hit the bars, and she reached for one with plans of pulling herself to her feet. She didn’t get the chance. Strong hands on her hips pulled her away from the bars, and suddenly Rohm was wrapped around her. One thickly corded arm snaked behind her neck while his knees planted between hers. Using his free hand, he gripped her arms and squatted, her body held tight against his as he lowered, her to a prone position.

  Chapter 10

  Rohm knew she was going to fight him even before her body tensed. Clearly, she hadn’t paid attention to that portion of her training where the women were warned not to fight or run from a Keeper. They were dominant males after all, and were excited by the prospect of a fight or a chase. Even as Nyree struggled beneath him, he felt himself becoming aroused. Worse, Zavier had taken notice and was urging him to claim her, but he couldn’t…and he hated it.

  The moment Rohm laid eyes on Nyree he wanted her, but Fatal had warned all Keepers that the females on the teams were off limits. He co
uldn’t have her, and it was infuriating. He’d tried everything he could think of to get the woman to quit the team. If she left, he could have her, or at the very least stop obsessing over her. She was too stubborn though, and refused to quit the team, no matter how hard Rohm rode her. He was convinced she was fully aware of his plan, and refused to quit the team because she either simply wasn’t interested in him, which was insulting to his Keeper pride, or she enjoyed making him suffer, which only served to enrage him further. He hated the fact that she was on the team. No Keeper worth his Sentry would ever permit his female to engage in battle, yet humans did it so easily. Fucking cowards!

  He wanted her so badly he often had difficulty breathing in her presence. She smelled of warm, cinnamon-coated apples, and it was more than distracting; it was torture. Spending every day with her assigned as his partner was sheer agony. His cock literally ached at the end of the day, and his back teeth hurt from clenching so hard. Damn Fatal and his rules!

  Even as badly as he wanted her, he still couldn’t figure out how to get her off the team and have her still see him as a potential mate after. He was a large Keeper, and stronger than most. He’d make a good mate and protector, but it seemed as though Nyree was averse to him from the start. At first, he thought it was his coloring. He was much lighter in skin tone, and his hair and eyes were the exact opposite of Nyree’s raven hair and chocolate eyes. By the Gods he wanted her, and it was getting harder and harder to resist, especially now that they were captives and she needed his protection. The thought brought a scowl to his face. No wonder she didn’t want him, he’d failed her. Here she sat having been attacked, twice, and he hadn’t done a thing to protect her.

  “Be still,” he growled as her supple little body writhed under his. It was sweet agony. How many nights had he lain awake thinking of their bodies in this very position without the annoyance of clothes between them? He hardened further, and she stilled as her belly brushed against his erection.

  When he finally looked down at her, her wide brown eyes were filled with disbelief that quickly transitioned to fear.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He couldn’t help but smooth a hand down her hair. He’d been wanting to touch it for weeks, and it was softer than he’d imagined. “Relax,” he commanded, as he dropped his gaze to the two small hands that were now clamped over her breasts. Gaze locked with hers, he used a hand to peel hers away, noting that she refused to meet his gaze as she slowly lowered her fisted hands.

  “You…” There was a tremor to her voice that bit at his heart. “You don’t have to do this.”

  He wanted to tell her that it was his duty to protect and heal her, but he’d already failed her, so he simply lowered his head and took the damaged nipple into his mouth. The sight of it enraged him. Something so delicate and beautiful had been brutalized to spur him into action, and he hated that Nyree had been hurt simply to provoke him.

  Rolling the nipple gently over his tongue he felt it pebble, and he couldn’t throttle the rolling rumble that vibrated up from his chest. The dusky hue had been covered with an offending crimson, and he hated it. He hated the sight of Nyree’s blood, but wouldn’t deny that he reveled in the taste of it. He knew now that if he claimed her…bit into her, just exactly what she’d taste like. She was sweet, and he had to force his lips to release her breast with one last lick before he began suckling at her like a baby cub.

  Sitting back on his heels, the sight of her spread out before him was heart stopping. The gown was still stretched below her breasts, her pert nipples thrusting into the air as her legs straddled his big body. She kept her head tilted to the side, refusing to meet his gaze, but her ragged breathing told him she was just as affected by the encounter as he.

  Dropping his eyes, Rohm inched lower at an agonizingly slow pace. Nyree’s breathing quickened uncontrollably, and she fought to remain still. Her hands were curled into such tight fists he could see her nails digging half-crescents into her palms.


  Dipping down, Rohm’s lips brushed her inner thigh, and if Nyree didn’t know better, she would have sworn he had just kissed her. The thought was chased away when he moved higher. His head firmly buried between her thighs, she could feel the stubble on his jaw snag on the flimsy material of her gown. He shoved it away and she swallowed hard, hoping he couldn’t scent how aroused she’d become at his ministrations. She shouldn’t have, she knew his actions weren’t sexual in nature, but apparently her body didn’t understand.

  With tender, meticulous care, she felt Rohm tend the wound just beside her sex. His tongue was hot and wet and without warning, her mind flashed to an image of that tongue sliding into her. She bit her lip hard, turning her head further to the side, her eyes pinching closed as she tried to focus on something else, anything else. It was too late. Hot breath fanned her skin. As his mouth worked, his cheek brushed against her clit and she moaned. Heat pooled between her legs, and she felt her panties dampen.

  Rohm’s head between her legs stilled. With what felt like a one last kiss, he slowly turned his head and, to Nyree’s horror, he buried his nose against her sex. Her eyes snapped open.

  Nuzzling his face into her panties, Rohm breathed in deep and she tunneled her hands into his hair, trying to pull him away. Instead, he growled with his lips pressed against her and she nearly came as her back arched, her fingers releasing their hold on him to slam against the concrete floor at her sides.

  “Rohm!” she breathed. Her plan was to talk him out of his inspection, but all thought fled when the crotch of her panties was nosed aside and that same hot tongue that had tended her wounds licked through her wet folds, slow and deep.

  She gave up on trying to control her breathing and holding back the feminine moans that escaped her parted lips. Instead, she tried to focus on stopping herself from having an orgasm. Her voice, when she was able to speak, came out impossible breathy. “You should...” Keep doing that, her body screamed. No! I’ve gotta make him stop!

  His tongue began pumping in and out of her, fucking her, and she lost all thought as her hands found his hair again, this time to hold on. One strong hand gripped her uninjured thigh, spreading her farther before she felt fingers curl around the crotch of her panties and pull them further aside.

  His tongue licked through her lips and up to her clit where it flattened, stroking back and forth. It was too much!

  “Oh God! ROHM!” Nyree gasped, as she threw her head back, and had the most intense orgasm of her life.

  Rohm’s tongue left her clit and returned to her sopping pussy to lap at her cream, a rumble vibrating on his lips like a giant purr.

  “Finish it!”

  The voice hit them like ice water. Rohm jerked back, crawling over a sprawled Nyree, caging her under his body as he snarled at the intruder. Beneath him, Nyree struggled to right her panties and gown before her head snapped up and she was humiliated to find Chambers and his guard watching them.

  How long have they been here! She felt her cheeks flame and her eyes flood in humiliation.

  “I said finish it,” Chambers ordered. “Seed the female.”

  “She is injured!” Rohm’s voice sounded so animalistic that Nyree pulled her eyes from the freaks standing outside the cage to stare at the Keeper hovering over her. His typically clear eyes were nearly black.

  “Your tongue heals her.”

  “You cut too deep,” Rohm snarled. “She needs time.”

  “How long?”

  “I’ll need to lick her again.”

  Nyree shuddered at the prospect. She couldn’t do this again.

  “How. Long?”

  “Two days,” Rohm snapped.

  “You have one,” Chambers countered, as he turned and headed for the door. “You seed her tomorrow, or she dies.”

  Rohm roared at the closing door.

  Alone and still pinned under Rohm, Nyree tried to inch out from under him, but his hands on her hips stilled her.

  “Are you okay?”

/>   “Fine.” She turned her head, so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. Silence reigned for several moments with Rohm’s hands still on her hips before Nyree asked, “Can you let me up?”

  He released her and she felt cold air hit her when his body eased back from her own.

  “Nyree,” Rohm began, but she cut him off.

  “Please don’t.” She started pacing the cell. “Not right now, Rohm. Please just…don’t.” And she kept pacing. For hours she walked the length of the cage hoping they’d be rescued, hoping they’d be fed, hoping they’d get water. Mostly, she wanted Rohm to stop staring at her. For as long as she paced, he sat with his back pressed into the bars, his forearms resting on his upraisd knees as he watched her. She swore his eyes didn’t leave her once and it was unsettling. Neither of them spoke and finally, mercifully, the lights in the basement extinguished with an audible ‘thunk’.

  Chapter 11

  Slowly lowering to her knees, Nyree reached a hand out behind her, trying to find the bars of the cage while her other hand pulled the front of the ridiculous gown up and held it clamped to her front.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to find the cell.”

  “It’s to your left,” Rohm offered.

  Nyree reached for it and froze. “How do you know?”

  “All Keepers can see in the dark.”

  She felt heat flooding her cheeks. It was disconcerting knowing he could see her, but she couldn’t see him. Dropping her hand, she slid to her left.

  “Why are you trying to find the cell?”

  “Because it’s bed time.” She’d planned on propping herself up in the corner again, but Rohm clearly had other ideas. Hands gripped her hips once again, she was tugged across the floor. Before she could protest, she was pulled down and wrapped in the cocoon of Rohm’s body.

  “You sleep here now.”

  Now? She didn’t know what that meant, but didn’t fight him. She knew it’d be cold again, and if he didn’t let Zavier lose, she’d probably freeze. Confused at his sudden change, she forced herself to relax as he adjusted her so her back was pressed into him and his bicep pillowed her head. Her stomach grumbled, and she placed a hand over it. They hadn’t been fed or given any water and Nyree noticed that she was growing tired more easily. It didn’t help that the asshole, wannabe “Doctor” kept cutting her.