Marko Read online

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  She placed a loud kiss where his manhood strained against his zipper.

  “Oh, shit! I swear to God, Thea, I’m not the Walker you want to test. I can’t…” He shook his head, “I just can’t.”

  The sound of his zipper was loud and his eyes rounded and shot down, but it was too late. His cock sprang free, and when Thea’s wet mouth took him in, he nearly exploded down her throat.

  “Pleasssssse!” he begged on a hiss, unsure if he should try to stop her. It felt so damn good, but she wasn’t in her right mind. “You’re drugged! They drugged you! You don’t want this!”

  Thea didn’t stop though. She took him deeper and sucked harder, and Marko’s white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel actually bent the damn thing. His foot found the pedal, and he floored it. He had to get out of the damn truck and away from her.

  “Thea!” his voice was deep and animalistic as he attempted to use a tone of command to get her to stop. The beasts within him knew that he was about to deny them pleasure and they surged to the fore to stop him. It worked because his throat thickened and the next sound that escaped him was an animalistic snarl of pleasure.

  The sound of her mouth suckling mingled with his ragged breathing and her moans. His balls drew tighter as he eyed the road ahead. There was a cabin up ahead, and there were no vehicles. Fuck the caves, he’d never make it that far.

  He gunned the motor just as Thea withdrew to suck on just the tip of his cock. His hands tightened even harder on the steering wheel, and to his dismay, the fucking thing snapped. Thirty more feet! He dropped the broken piece of steering wheel and tried to focus on the road, using what was left of the wheel to guide him. Twenty feet!

  Thea circled her tongue around him. He dipped his eyes, and two things happened. Thea swallowed him deep just as his eyes took in the sight of her hand down the front of her open jeans. Her fingers pumped and he knew she was fucking herself as she sucked him. That was all it took. As his foot slammed onto the brake in front of the cabin, his hand barely made it to her back to secure her in place as he shot his seed deep into her mouth.


  Not enough! Thea continued to suckle Marko’s still hard cock long after he stopped spilling his seed. His release wasn’t enough to sate her need for him.

  Vaguely, she was aware that the truck had jerked to a stop. Marko’s door opened, and he climbed out from under her, pulling himself from her needy mouth and hands before he disappeared and then just as quickly reappeared at the passenger side door with his pants re-fastened. Thea knew she should be ashamed of her behavior and her state of dress, but she couldn’t muster the emotion. Sexual hunger was tearing through her like a firestorm. It was all-consuming.

  Marko reached for her and pulled her into his arms. To keep from touching herself again, Thea latched her hands onto the stiff material of the white tactical vest he wore over his long-sleeved shirt. He carried her to a small cabin, stomped onto the porch, lifted one booted foot, and simply kicked, sending the door crashing in. As if it were a trigger that had been pulled, Thea’s agony was back. She groaned and clutched her stomach. “Noooooooo!”

  “Thea?” Marko hurried into the cabin and rushed around until he found a room. He carried Thea to the bed and set her down. “Stay here, I’ll see what they have.”

  Stay here? As if she could walk. She would have laughed at the command had she not been in so much pain. And what in the hell was he looking for? It’s not like anything in a first-aid kit was going to help. She needed him!

  Two seconds later, Marko raced in with a first-aid kit, and she groaned. “Get these…” She stopped talking to catch her breath before starting again. “Get these fucking shoes off me!”

  Marko bent and hurried to do as she asked.

  When her shoes were gone, she moaned, “P-pants!”

  His hands fumbled at her waist, but even the brush of his knuckles against her there was pleasurable.

  Marko peeled her pants down her legs, and as he did, she reached up and ripped open the front of her bra. She heard him rumble and knew what he saw. Her breats were free, nipples straining for attention, and she knew her panties were soaked.

  When Marko stood, he was sweating, and Thea watched him through half-lidded, dazed eyes as she scrambled to shove her panties down her thighs. She was on fire. It was hot, she was hot, and she felt like she was burning up with the need to have him.

  She struggled to roll to her stomach and then to get to her knees. Her body slumped forward as she raised her ass. “Marko!”

  “Thea, no.”

  His voice was animalistic, nearly unrecognizable like he was barely in control. She knew just how to get what she needed.

  “Marko, please!” She slumped to the side and let her legs fall open. Her eyes were locked on Marko’s as he watched her hands skim over her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples before one hand slid down her stomach and between her legs.

  “I’m not going to make it,” she whimpered, and the words felt true. Something was seriously wrong. This wasn’t her. She was typically very shy, introverted. This brazen woman begging Marko to take her was an absolute stranger, but a stranger who was doing what had to be done. It felt like Thea’s blood was boiling, and Marko was the balm. She pleaded, “I need you. Help me!”

  She knew when he’d snapped. His eyes darkened to a full black, and his incisors elongated until they peeked out from his lips. Shoulders and chest expanding, it was like he was fighting a shift. Hell, his frame even seemed to enlarge before his hands tore at his tac vest and shirt before his boots were just as quickly discarded. Seconds later his pants and underwear were gone, and Thea licked her lips looking at the magnificent sight of him.

  He was more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. There were four scars that she could see. One high up on his shoulder, one low on his hip and one that covered his torso form collar bone down his peck, across his clenching abs and ending beside his navel. That scar looked like it’d come from a long blade similar to the ones he carried. But even those scars couldn’t detract from the beauty of him. Her eyes lowered to where his cock strained toward her, pre-cum dripping from the tip.

  “Need,” she panted and reached for him.

  The bed dipped under his weight and Marko snarled. “We’re doing this my way, Thea. Do you hear me?”

  He sounded angry, but she didn’t care as long as he gave her what she needed. Spreading her legs wider, she reached for his dick, but he quickly grabbed her wrists.

  “My way!” He snarled and then settled on his side next to her. It wasn’t what she wanted. She needed him on top of her, pounding into her. She was about to demand it when his fingers sluiced through her pussy and had her jerking under the slight graze. If this was all he’d give, then she’d take it.

  His fingers circled through her cream before finding the pearl of her clit and rubbing. It was heaven.

  She arched and moaned at the touch before reaching down and fisting his cock. She used the pre-cum beading the tip to lube her hand before sliding along the steely length of him.

  “Shhhhit!” he hissed, bending to kiss her temple as he quickened his pace.

  “Need more,” she whined.

  His fingers left her clit and seconds later, slid into her. His thumb took over the torturous circles on her clit, and she arched violently against his hand.

  “Oh, God! Gonna…” Her body seized, and her pussy milked his fingers as she shook from the force of her orgasm. Seconds later, Marko growled as her hand quickened its pace on his length. Then hot semen splashed on her abdomen as his body jerked beside her.

  In the truck when she’d touched herself and then swallowed Marko’s seed, there’d been slight relief. Now, there was none. Her desire was like a fire that instead of being diminished was stoked hotter with their release. She was ablaze like burning oil and someone had just thrown water on the flames.

  Reaching down, she smeared his cum on her belly and then up onto her breasts. Marko’s eyes widened and the
n narrowed as she slid the seed up onto her chin before sucking three fingers into her mouth.

  “Thea!” he warned on a growl.

  Chapter 5

  Thea disregarded the warning growl in Marko’s tone. She didn’t care about his warnings. She didn’t care that she was acting like a whore. She didn’t care about anything except him spearing into her.

  “S-something’s wrong with me. There was something in that dart. You have to fix this!” She needed him to come buried deep inside her like she needed her next breath. Unable to stop herself, her fingers left her mouth and then trailed back down to the pool of white fluid that settled in the hollow of her hip. She slid her fingers through it and inched lower.

  “Don’t!” Marko growled but did nothing to stop her. On the contrary, his eyes were glued to her hands as if transfixed.

  “Fix me, Marko! Save me!”

  He seemed almost mesmerized as he watched her fingers sluice through his seed and then lower inch by inch. When she slid two semen-coated fingers into her pussy, Marko jerked to his knees with a snarled, “Goddamn you!”

  Her hand was shoved aside, and before she could take a breath, he was balls deep inside her. One hard thrust and the crown of his cock kissed the mouth of her womb. It. Was. Rapture.

  Thea screamed and arched, wrapping her legs around his hips to anchor him inside her as she demanded. “Hard, Marko. Fuck me hard!”

  And he did.


  Marko fucked her like a man possessed. Release found them both, but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough. He fucked her pussy, and then he devoured it with his mouth while she sucked him deep into her throat. She begged for more, and he claimed her over and over before finally taking her in the ass. He’d never come so much in his life, and he’d never enjoyed fucking more. And that’s exactly what it was. There was no love being made, it wasn’t sex. It was absolute carnal, down and dirty fucking. More than once his animals had surged to the fore and to his utter disbelief, instead of being horrified at his partial shifts, Thea was turned on. She squeezed him tighter, sucked him deeper, fucked him harder. Hell, she’d even bit into his shoulder, which had his beasts fighting him for control. They wanted to mark her too, and he had. Hickeys covered her neck and breasts, and the impression of his own teeth marred her shoulder. She was his undoing. Any hope he’d held of holding off until Delain could get back to him had been dashed the second he scented her heated little pussy in the truck.

  Now, hours later, Thea slept hard. She’d finally passed out, and he was both relieved and worried. He’d been rough, and she’d taken it. She’d taken it too long. Any other woman, including a Walker, would have gone out hours before, but she hadn’t.

  Standing, he turned to ensure she was covered. She’d been burning up earlier, and he’d prayed it was from exertion. Now, her cheek felt smooth and cool. Angling his head, he brushed damp hair back from her face. Her once pale skin was flushed, her lips pink and plump from use. He was shocked to find that his cock stirred at the thought.

  Sick fuck! He self-admonished.

  Snatching up his pants, he padded quietly from the darkened room, closing the door softly behind him. He dressed in the hall before stepping into the front room where the door to the cabin still stood wide open. He stepped over broken pieces of wood to stalk, barefoot, out to the truck. Opening the door, he heard the crackle in the comm link before he even put it on.

  “This is Marko.”

  “Where in the fuck have you been?” StoneCrow’s Chief of Security, King Mulholland snarled.

  “Taking care of Thea, King. Where’s Monroe? I need answers.”

  “He’s preoccupied.” King’s anger seemed to fade. “The Domina’s been injured, and we’ve got several missing from the estate, including a Keeper.”

  Marko plowed a hand through his hair. “Fuck!”

  “Yeah. Fatal isn’t taking things well. He’s pissed.”

  “Who else is missing?”

  King sighed. “Aside from the Keeper, one of our female Sentries is gone, and Ash is missing too, along with our vet tech.”



  “She’s human, she can’t protect herself.”

  “The female Sentry is human too. It’s Nyree, but she can handle herself…hopefully.”


  “We also had two Walkers that were wounded, and one Keeper has a wounded Soul Sentry. How’s Thea doing?”

  Marko shook his head. “She’s alive. Do you have any answers? What in the fuck did they shoot her with? Was anyone else tranq’d.”

  “No one else was tranq’d. Stoney got information from the Blackbird wolf pack. Seems they’ve heard of tranqs being used by other shifters. Lust tranqs, they call ‘em, and they’ve been used against their females.”

  “Against? You mean on?”

  “No,” King asserted. “I mean against. Apparently, it puts a female shifter into an instantaneous heat. She needs to be taken, and it doesn’t matter by whom. There are even reports of females dying from the drug if the female isn’t…well…satisfied. Shifters were using this on enemy packs to claim females and take them away.”

  “My God!” Marko let his head fall back as regret seared him.

  “She’s alive, so I’m assuming you, eh, took care of her?”

  “Yeah,” his head fell forward. “There was nothing else I could do. She…”

  “No need to explain yourself to me. Where are you at? I’ll send a team.”

  Marko eyed the area. “I thought I was somewhere near the Valley of the Deer, but I…I couldn’t fucking focus.” He hung his head as shame filled his voice. “She smelled so damn good.”

  “I can hear it in your tone, but you can’t beat yourself up over this. Like I said, this tranq was designed for shifters. Dell Blackbird had no idea what it would do to a human. You most likely saved her life, Marko.”

  “Yeah, but she was drugged out of her mind, King, and I…”

  “Saved her life!” King finished firmly. “That’s all that matters. She lives. Now find out where you’re at so I can send a team. You gotta be further than the Valley because I’ve been trying to contact you through the mist and you're outta range.”

  That meant nothing though because Marko had difficulties with his Skin Walker abilities since he’d been released from captivity. The mist didn’t always work for him and his shifts often didn’t last long.

  “Get back to me soon,” King commanded. “We’ll come pick you up. We don’t really know much about what they injected Thea with, and Jenny wants her here ASAP.”

  “Alright,” he muttered. He didn’t want to be flown back in until he had time to smooth things over with Thea. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel taken advantage of. For Thea to be fucked and then flown home where everyone waiting would know what had happened between them was going to be a hard pill for her to swallow. He knew the whole thing was going to be hard for her to handle. So, he’d call in for a ride when she was ready.

  Chapter 6

  Three hours later and to Marko’s great relief, he was stepping off a chopper with Thea still nestled snuggly in his arms. She hadn’t woken. Unwilling to wait any longer, and worried that something was wrong, he’d contacted King. While he waited, he wrapped Thea in a sheet and then a heavier blanket over top.

  When the helicopter arrived to pick them up, Marko’s anxiety spiked. Thea hadn’t woken from the noise, and she didn’t stir during the choppy flight.

  There was a helicopter pad on top of the main estate house, which meant that Chief of Surgery, Jenny Arkinson, and her team were there waiting with a gurney.

  Ducking low, Marko rushed forward and reluctantly deposited his slight burden on the gurney and followed the medical team down as Jenny barked orders and asked him questions.

  “How long has she been out?”

  “Since last night. This morning,” he hurried to amend, which earned him a sour look from the Chief of Surgery.

/>   “Well, which is it?”

  “This morning,” he cleared his throat. “She passed out around o’four hundred. She’s been out since.”

  “Did you get any fluids in her?”

  Marko nearly stumbled as his cheeks seared.

  “Water!” Jenny rolled her eyes. “Has she had anything to drink?”

  Shame bit hard as Marko shook his head. He’d been too engrossed in enjoying her to care for her properly.

  “Anything to eat?”


  Jenny pulled the blanket down and eyed her shoulders. “Where’s the injection site?”

  “Just below her right collarbone.”

  “Did you bring me the vial?”

  Behind him, King bellowed, “I’ve got it here, Jen.”

  The team rushed the elevator and had to cram to fit in.

  Jenny lifted Thea’s arms and studied them before reaching down to hike up the blanket around her legs. It annoyed Marko that the Surgeon was exposing so much of her with so many eyes around.

  “Can’t you wait!” he snapped.

  Jenny snorted and righted the blanket around Thea. “If you’d have brought her in sooner, I wouldn’t have had to!”

  “Jen,” King’s tone was chastising. “He saved her.”

  Jenny crossed her arms over her chest. “From what I hear, she saved him.” Jenny’s eyes locked on Marko. “That tranq was meant for you.” She tilted her head and studied him. “I wonder why? Why you and none of other Walkers or Keepers. This was the only Lust Tranq used in the attack. Why do you think that is?”

  Marko shook his head. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Is it?” her eyes narrowed at him. “Guess I doubt anyone would have a better guess at why you were targeted.”

  King growled, “Ease up, Jen.”

  She shrugged and turned her eyes back to Thea. “She saved your ass and look what it got her.” She shook her head sadly. “I truly was hoping you’d have answers because she deserves ‘em.”

  “Yeah,” Marko snapped. “I’d like a few too. I don’t know why I was targeted or even if I was. They could have been going after any of the Sentries at the guard house. I was the only one foolish enough to break off from the rest of the team.”