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Page 15

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, pulling back to smile down at her. “You taste sweet.”

  Grinning up at him with arms twined around his neck she breathed, “Made you more treats, my beast.”

  His chest rumbled with his laugh as he started swaying their bodies to the music. They didn’t speak for long minutes, simply danced slowly to O’Holy Night and stared at each other adoringly. It reminded her of all those times she’d watched her mom and dad, and she swore her contentment was damn near tangible.

  Finally, Marko said, “I appreciate all your hard work, honey, but you know there’s only one sweet treat I want to eat.”

  Thea felt herself blush. “Marko!”

  “What?” he canted his head before scooping her up into his arms. “I hope that oven’s off because I’m taking you to our room and unwrapping my favorite present.”

  He’d been calling her that since she’d gone a little crazy decorating for the holiday.

  “But,” she protested. “I need to put the whipped cream in the fridge so it won’t melt.”

  A wicked gleam lit his eyes, and he stalled halfway down the hall and turned around, carrying her back to the kitchen where he snatched the whipped cream off the counter and settled the bowl on her chest where she grabbed it.


  He waggled his brows as he headed to their room. “Cream and honey, my new favorite. Mmmmm!”

  Thea groaned and followed it with a laugh that was drowned out by a mental nudge. Marko permitted the contact.

  “Marko, you dick!”

  He instantly recognized James’ voice. “Problem, little buddy?” There was a smile in his voice though because he suspected that he knew the reason for James’ contact.

  “You volunteered me and Recker for new staff vetting?”

  The attack on the estate had left them undermanned. Jenny had brought up in Thea’s last doctor’s visit how she was pulling double duty with the infirmary and new staff hiring. She’d commented that help would be nice and Marko knew just the two men for the job.

  “What in the actual fuck, bro!” James continued. “Why would you do something like that?”

  Marko shrugged even though James couldn’t see him. “Just felt like it was time you two boys did something else besides get on everyone’s nerves.”

  “You know me and Recker ain’t cut out for that shit!”

  Marko just laughed.

  “Marko!” James snarled.

  Marko grinned and responded, “Polo” before severing the connection.

  Blinking a few times, Marko realized Thea was staring up at him in concern. He’d stopped walking and had been staring straight ahead all through the transmission.

  “Everything alright,” Thea asked tentatively.

  Marko growled a wicked sound and lifted her from the cradle of his arms to settle her body over his shoulder where he drummed on her ass as he walked. “Hell no, everything ain’t alright. For some strange reason you’ve still got clothes on. But, don’t worry, honey, I’ll remedy that.”

  He knew she was excited, he could scent it so damn strongly that it humbled him how finding Thea had brought back all his Walker abilities. It was like it was the Grandfathers’ way of saying he chose right.

  The tinkling sound of Thea’s laughter mingled with the music, and as the snow fell gently in fat flakes outside the window, two broken people accepted each other’s jagged pieces and together they became whole.

  Available NOW



  Susan Bliler

  Chance stifled a growl as he watched Crazy Hitchhiker Lady cower into the passenger-side door. Oh! So, now her instincts kick in? He shook his head and concentrated on the road. They’d been bad earlier, but the snow hadn’t stopped all day. The plows couldn’t keep up, and he knew once he pulled off the highway it’d be worse. The town didn’t plow the roads too far out, and the county cared even less, too busy with the major highways to worry about the numerous back roads.

  Glancing at Crazy Lady, he wondered what her deal was. Obviously, she was a nut job to be out in this weather, this far from civilization this late in the evening. Flaring his nostrils, he took in her scent, expecting to find booze or drugs on her. He found none. Nope, the only thing he scented on her was wariness and… He sniffed again. Fucking great! Pain. Crazy Lady reeked of pain, and he didn’t want to get involved with however she’d fucked herself up. “Where am I dropping you?”

  She glanced at him and then back at the road. “How far you going?”

  “Why are you answering my question with a question?” he snarled impatiently. He wanted her out of his truck ASAP. Whatever fucked-up mission she was on that had her out in this weather and in pain wasn’t anything he wanted to get involved in.

  “I’m going this way,” she answered, and jerked her chin toward the window.

  He stifled a growl. Crazy Lady was really trying his patience.

  “Mile marker three sixty-five. You can leave me there.”

  His eyes snagged on the next mile marker they passed. It was three fifty-seven. That only pissed him off more. “You planned on walking eight more miles tonight?”

  “Wasn’t the plan,” she huffed. “Just happened.”

  In his head, Chance kept chanting, “Don’t wanna know, don’t wanna know, don’t wanna know.” The problem was, his inner animal was pawing at him, wanting him to ask questions and find out more, so Chance pushed a little harder on the accelerator. He needed this woman dropped off at her damn mile marker and the sooner, the better.


  “Shit! Road’s closed.”

  Isabelle’s head shot up from where she’d been trying not to fall asleep. “What…what does that mean?”

  Chance put his truck in reverse and backed up, his back tires going off the edge of the road before he shifted to drive and cranked the wheel, heading the vehicle back in the direction from which they came. “It means that the road is closed. No one’s getting through.” He jerked his chin toward the road ahead of them. “My place is just a couple miles back. You can stay there tonight. I’m sure the plows’ll push through in the morning, then I can get you where you need to be.”

  “No.” Isabelle shook her head, setting her shoulders in a hard line. When he glanced at her, brows furrowed in irritation, he finally got a good look at her. She was facing him now – hell, she was looking right at him – and he couldn’t tear his eyes from hers. Behind that silky wall of black tresses, she was hiding these fucking amazing eyes. Eyes he couldn’t look away from. With his heightened sight, he could see every brilliant color. The black of her pupils was surrounded by smoky gray, morphing into a swirl of golden yellow, before exploding outward into a sea of blue and white. Her eyes looked like tiny replicas of the planet earth housed in her delicate face and surrounded by lush black lashes. They were in direct contrast to the rich bronze of her skin, which spoke of Native ancestry.

  “Your eyes,” he breathed, realizing he was staring like a psycho. “They’re…”

  “Yeah,” she ducked her head, the fall of her hair sweeping forward and hiding her from view again. “I know. Weird. People tell me all the time.”

  She sounded a little insulted and a lot annoyed, but he hadn’t been about to call her eyes weird. They were odd for sure, but they were breathtaking. He tore his gaze away from where she was hiding from him and clenched the steering wheel. He hadn’t been about to tell her he thought her eyes were beautiful either, and as they drove in silence, he wondered what he would have said if she hadn’t cut him off like she had.

  Shaking his head, he thought back to the conversation they’d been having. She’d said something… No. She’d told him no when he’d offered her a place to stay. Clearing his throat, he began, “Listen. I know you don’t know me, but…”

  “I’m not staying at your place,” she cut him off.

  Chance’s jaw clenched.

  “Thank you, but if you could just give me a ride to the nearest town.�

  “That’s what I was just trying to do and it ain’t happening.”

  She pointed straight ahead now that they were headed back the way they came. “What about his way? Can’t you just take me to the nearest town this way?”

  “Sure,” he gritted. “Only it’ll mean taking you back to where you started from.” He glanced at her pointedly. “You wanna make that walk again tomorrow? In deep snow?”

  She paled, and her slight frame trembled. He wanted to tick up the corner of his mouth in triumph, but he simply wasn’t feeling it. No, his animal was riled, and this woman wasn’t helping.

  She huddled in her seat once more, head turning away from him as she gazed out her window. The fall of her dark hair shielded her face from his view again, but he could see her reflection in the glass, worry written on her soft features. His nostrils flared and assaulted once more by the scent of her pain his beast growled at him to do something about it. He’d been content to ignore it when he thought he’d just be dropping her off somewhere, but now it was his problem. Finally, he ground out, “You hurt?”

  “No,” she immediately lied, and it pissed him off.

  Damn her! If she was going to sit in his truck and lie to him, then she could just as soon get out and walk. Throwing his hand across the console, he slammed on the brakes, catching her weight before she could slam into the dash. Her head jerked in his direction, but he didn’t even bother looking at her or her big startled eyes. “If you’re gonna lie to me than you can just get the hell out.”

  He jerked his head toward her in surprise when she immediately reached down and opened the door. He had been sure she’d just come clean. Instead, she climbed wordlessly from the warm cab of his truck, and that irked him even more than her lying. It was cold and dark, and she was obviously hurting from some unknown injury. He stared straight ahead, contemplating leaving her ass on the side of the road even knowing his animal wouldn’t permit it. His head snapped to the side when, from the corner of his eye, he saw her go down. One second she’d been standing there, and the next she was on her knees.

  Christ! Chance hurried out his door, hustling around to find her still on the ground. The scent of her pain had intensified, and she winced as she tried to struggle to her feet.

  “Damn it, woman! Where are you hurt?” he demanded angrily.

  “My feet,” she breathed. “I’ve been walking a long time. My feet are in pretty bad shape.”

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  Now Available by Susan A Bliler

  Skin Walker series

  King (Skin Walkers Book 1)

  RedKnife (Skin Walkers Book 2)

  Conn (Skin Walkers Book 5)

  Leto (Skin Walkers Book 6)

  Monroe (Skin Walkers Book 7)

  Gauge (Skin Walkers Book 8)

  York (Skin Walkers Book 9)

  Remy (Skin Walkers Book 10)

  Taken (Skin Walkers Book 11)

  Angel Lost (Skin Walkers Book 12)

  Baymac (Skin Walkers Book 13)

  Bellis (Skin Walkers Book 14)

  Tyce (Skin Walkers Book 15)

  Now Available by Susan A Bliler

  Territory series

  Territory Prequel





  Terr6tory: The Primes

  Now Available by Susan A Bliler

  Standalone Shifter Romance



  Bad Beta

  Now Available by Susan A Bliler

  Standalone Contemporary Romance

  Prince of Cats


  About the Author

  My pack territory is in Central Montana, between Stone Crow Estates and the North Fortress. Born and raised in an untamed location that bridges the gap between rolling prairies and majestic mountain peaks, I am born to a family that also bridges the gap between cultures. My father’s people boast a fiercely proud Scandinavian ancestry while my mother’s tribes descend from two savagely beautiful and unique nations (White Clay and Nakoda) that inspire my Skin Walker series.

  I'm a huge fan of MMA, boxing, 30 Seconds to Mars, DMX, Nahko and Medicine for the People, and 21 Pilots (“…sometimes quiet is violent”). I also love to read because it encourages me to write. (I hate it when authors add that they love coffee and chocolate. Really? Who doesn't love coffee and chocolate?) Anyway, I love beer...kidding. I don't love beer, but we are engaged in a very serious relationship. (Mom, please don't call me when you read this.)

  Please leave feedback….well, only if it’s positive. “Keep in mind that I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my shit!  (Erykah Badu lyrics!)

  Check me out at for updates, my blog, and for excerpts from upcoming books.
