Skin Walkers - King Read online

Page 12

  Soft blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders. King’s eyes slid down those shoulders to the robe that was thin enough to reveal that his little-Miss-Prim-and-Proper was naked beneath the article. Budded nipples strained against the silken fabric, demanding attention. They didn’t need to demand. Hell, they didn’t even need to ask.

  Mouth suddenly dry and palms sweaty, King felt like an untried adolescent, and it was Lilly’s fault. She looked like sex. Chest heaving, hair tousled, cheeks flushed, lips slightly parted, legs in the same state, and aqua blue eyes bright with fear and excitement in equal measure. She looked like he was already inside her. The thought sent a punch of lust shooting through him so hard that he doubled over. A growl slipped free and he clutched his stomach. Shit! Could desire so strong hurt? Pain hit him again and he took a knee. This time, he knew what it was.

  “King!” Lilly rushed to him and gasped when his halo flashed with an ethereal light and sang with a high-pitched whine that was almost inaudible.

  Sucking up the pain of the affliction, King’s hand shot out so fast that he knew it startled Lilly by the way she jumped. Before she could protest he had her pinned on the thick carpet. Quickly adjusting until the cradle of his hips rested inside hers, he ripped his shirt free with a fierce snarl. Reaching back he shucked one boot then the other before turning possessively male eyes on Lilly. He was acting crazed and he knew it, but he couldn’t control himself. Not with her looking as she looked. Finally pinned beneath him with nothing but a whisper of satin standing between him and his claiming, she looked like his salvation. Permission had already been granted. Fuck granted! She’d asked for him specifically…for this! Still, he tried to calm his breath and retract the elongated incisors that he knew peeked from his parted lips. She had just found out about Walkers and if he frightened her away now, he’d never forgive himself.

  “A-are you okay?”

  The question seared him with guilt. He was acting like an animal and she was asking if he was doing okay. Sucking in a deep breath he tried to settle his beasts. Another nose full of air and… The scent of Lilly’s desire hit him like sledgehammer between the eyes, almost painful in its gratifying glory.

  One hand reached down and ripped open the front of his jeans. Then he ripped off the sash that hid Lilly’s sensual body from his view. When he parted the robe, his eyes drank in the sight of the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and he wasn’t even humiliated when a whimper escaped his lips. If it was possible for his cock to get any harder it just had.

  “Lilly,” the word sounded pained as his eyes, dark with lust, found hers. “If you don’t want this, tell me now.”

  Splayed naked beneath him, her chest heaved with each labored breath, thrusting pert nipples into the sky. Her body looked smooth as alabaster and equally as perfect. She gnawed on her bottom lip in uncertainty and King’s heart thudded to a halt. He stopped breathing. Don’t deny me. Please, my queen! Do not deny me!

  Slowly, Lilly lifted a hand and smoothed a palm over his chest, the muscle beneath spasmed under her touch. King leaned over her, bracing one arm on a flattened palm beside her head. The move brought him closer, hovering over her, and his cock rubbed against her wet folds.

  The scent of her blossomed and filled the room and, thank the Gods, Lilly whispered, “I want you.” If she hadn’t, Kind didn’t know how he would have walked away. Now, he’d never have to suffer that agony.

  One strong hand captured her chin and a finger traced her lip. He was shocked when she lunged forward and clamped soft lips around his finger all the way to the knuckle before staring into his eyes as her mouth slid down to the tip of his finger before releasing it with a faint kiss.

  He nearly came right then and there. “Lilly,” he growled the name and couldn’t be denied any longer. His lips found hers and the taste of her kiss was his undoing. She tasted like she’d smelled that day in the cafeteria. Like a much awaited, magical, Christmas day.

  She parted her lips and to his delight, returned his kiss as the thick length of him probed for entrance and then slid through the satiny bliss of her of honeyed cunt. He started with just the tip, working slowly before pulling out. Each push going a little deeper, forcing her to take a little more each time. Unable to resist the banquet of offerings laid out before him, King broke their kiss to lower his head and nuzzle the side of his cheek against one large breast. Lilly arched and moaned, “King!”

  He turned and locked his lips over the pink peak and sucked hard as he drove his hips home. A feminine gasp filled the room and when short nails scored his shoulders, King grinned with the knowledge that there’d be proof in the morning that this wasn’t a dream.

  Hard tugs on her nipple had Lilly begging. “King! Please!”

  He froze. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No! God no, just keep moving!”

  He rose over her. Strong hands gripped her hips as he began to work into her, sawing in and out as the sounds of wet sex filled the cabin. “I’m sorry, my queen,” his hips worked faster, “this won’t last long.”

  She reached for his chest, faster! Harder! Please!

  His hands left her hips to capture her wrists and pin them over her head. He fucked her hard and fast, like a wild animal.

  Lilly cried out as his hips worked faster, coming in shorter and shorter thrusts even as she spread her legs wider to allow him to penetrate deeper. She arched and her body convulsed, clamping onto the thick length of him as he continued to work. “KING!” she screamed as her pussy clenched and shuddered, needing something to salve the need burning deep within her. Her back bowed violently with her orgasm, and then he came. King thrust hard and deep one last time, his body jerking to a halt as his cock pulsed within her, shooting his jets of semen deep into her pussy and quenching that aching need, giving her pussy something to milk. She devoured every drop as her channel convulsed around the solid length of him. Swallowing his cock and seed deep inside her.

  “Sorry,” he apologized, crumpling to the side, and pulling her into the cradle of his body. He soothed a hand up and down her back, stopping only to smile down at her. “I thought I could control myself, but when I came in and saw you looking like that…” He peeked down in time to watch as indignation flared to life on her expressive features.

  “Like what?”

  A laugh rumbled from him as he pulled her tighter. “Like you were mine.”

  The words had her stilling in his embrace, her face buried against his chest. “Did Mr. StoneCrow discuss the parameters of this venture?”

  King tensed.

  “This isn’t a relationship, King.” Lilly gently pushed at his chest and he eased his arms just enough for her to peek up at him from under the veil of her lashes. “I’m not…yours.”

  In his arms, she felt so slight. It was different then what he’d expected. At the office and with Monroe, her formal demeanor made her seem larger, more commanding, than she actually was. But here in his arms, she was the smallest, most fragile thing he’d ever had the pleasure to hold. She needed him. She needed his protection. Now he knew the truth of it. She was his. “Don’t push this now, my queen. Let’s enjoy each other before you have to face the reality of what’s happened.” It was too late. She was his, and his scent on her…in her only confirmed it. He felt such an overwhelming sense of pride in ownership. How had he gotten so damn lucky?

  Lilly’s eyes rounded and she shoved hard at King’s chest, her tone laced with panic. “What’s happened?” He pulled his cock free of her pussy.

  “Lilly, please.” His eyes were imploring, “Allow me to mate you properly first.”

  She pushed at his chest again and scrambled to get away, jerking her robe closed and holding it in white-knuckled grip in front of her chest. “Mate? What are you talking about, King? What do you mean ‘before I have to face the reality of what’s happened’?”

  When he reached for her, she recoiled and it was a mistake. The beasts within, too close to the surface, surged forth excited that
their most prized prey was…running?

  “Lilly,” the word came out as a warning, and his eyes shifted from their lust-filled intent to determined purpose.

  Ignoring his words she tried to get to her feet, but he was already on her. Pinned beneath his weight, she pushed at his chest and when there was no result, she slapped him and began to fight. “Get off me!” Her legs kicked as she attempted to wrestle free.

  The action had King hard in an instant. She was toying with him, teasing him, begging to be dominated. In one swift movement, Lilly’s arms were pinned above her head again as she squirmed and kicked, her legs inadvertently parting and allowing him to settle between them. He held her down with his weight. She could only watch and struggle as his free hand pulled the halo from around his throat. It hissed and she could smell seared flesh as it branded him upon removal. Panic hit hard and renewed her into the fight.

  Thrashing beneath his weight she heard King mumble a curse as he adjusted his weight and pinned her more firmly. “Damn it, Lilly. Be still!”

  She moaned at the friction on her clit, but just as quickly, fearful tears flooded her eyes and she stilled. “King, please don’t!” Her eyes darted between his halo he held suspended over her face and the welted brand on his neck.

  When King realized that Lilly thought the halo would brand her too, he felt like an ass. “It only brands the male. It won’t hurt you. I won’t ever hurt you.”

  Large blue eyes found his, “Why are you doing this? Don’t do this! This isn’t what we agreed to. I’m not yours.”

  “You are mine!” he couldn’t help the growl that rumbled in the back of his throat. “You are mine to protect, mine to claim.”


  He spoke over whatever her next words would be. “I King Rish Mulholland, take you, Lilly Worthington, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children, my wife, my mate…my angel.”

  The tears Lilly had been holding in check breached and slipped down the sides of her face as she could only listen to his vow, slowly shaking her head. “No.”

  “I will be your strength in times of weakness, your want in times of need, your joy in times of sorrow. I will sacrifice my health, my triumph, my hopes, and my desires to put your needs ahead of my own. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care for you, and protect your life and the lives of our…” he stalled a moment before continuing, “children with my very own. I vow to comfort and encourage you, to guard and keep you, and to love you until my time on this earth ends.”

  He inched the halo toward her throat and Lilly rushed to talk some sense into him. “You’re leaving remember?” She blinked rapidly to stop her tears, damning her heart for having melted into a puddle of mush at his words. “When your year’s up, you’re going to go home, King. Don’t you want to go home?” She tried to sound hopeful.

  His hand stilled and his eyes locked with hers. “You are my home.” He thrust his hand forward and the halo clicked into place around the slender column of Lilly’s throat with a flash.

  She lifted a hand to fight, but all the strength melted from her body, leaving her warm and boneless. She’d have panicked had she not been willing to bet on the lives of her unborn children that King would protect her in her current state. Her eyes fluttered closed and the last thing she thought was, Unborn children! If Jenny’s plan had worked, she could be healed, could be conceiving King’s child even as her eyes caught one last glimpse of the triumphant grin that split his features before her world went black. Lilly Worthington had just been claimed!

  Chapter 20

  Jenny hung up the phone in her office and turned with a snarl to the unsuspecting Walker Nurse who’d just entered. Her hand clamped around Stoney’s throat as she shoved the shorter Walker against the wall and sneered through gnashed teeth, “You told Lilly?” Jenny was more than angry, she was terrified. She’d done everything right, hadn’t she? Now, her world was unraveling. She’d done all she could to keep Lilly and King from each other, and then Lilly had gone to him anyway. Stoney must have told Lilly that King was her mate. Why else would Monroe’s typically reserved personal assistant specifically request a mating with him?

  At first startled, Stoney’s surprise gave way to an eerie calm. “I haven’t said a thing to Lilly.” Stoney’s eyes darkened just before they jerked down to the hand at her throat. “I like you, Jen. Always have. But if you don’t get your fucking hands off me, I’m going to show you that while I might work for you,” her angry eyes found Jenny’s, “this won’t work for you!”

  “Jenny!” The shocked word had Jenny spinning. When her eyes locked on the questioning gaze of Bishop Arkinson, an overwhelming need seized her with such fiery intent that she released Stoney to double-over, clawing at the sudden fire in her lower belly.

  “Jenny!” Stoney was at her side in an instant. The Walker nurse’s startled gaze darted between Jenny and Bishop before Jenny saw understanding suddenly click in the Walker woman’s eyes.

  Bishop was halfway across the room when Stoney rushed to plant herself in front of Jenny. “Bishop, you need to go.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” He made to step around Stoney, but she followed to block his path. “She’s been ill. You need to leave so I can treat her.”

  “Jenny?” he spoke over Stoney’s head.

  From behind her, Stoney heard Jenny’s pain-filled, “Please leave, Bishop.”

  The Walker Sentry scowled down at Stoney, his blue eyes flashing with indecision.

  “The longer you stall, the longer she’s in pain.” Stoney prodded, “Please leave us.”

  Bishop growled angrily before turning to stalk from the room.

  Alone, Stoney turned to kneel beside Jenny as Jenny’s knees gave out and she slammed to the floor, holding her abdomen and rocking back and forth, as tears streamed down her face.

  “Jesus Christ, Jen! Why didn’t you tell me?” There was no anger in the words, no accusation, only concern. She pulled Jenny into her arms and hugged her tight. “You dummy. Did you really think you could do this on your own?” She rocked the Chief of Surgery back and forth realizing now why it was so important for Jenny to find a remedy for the Walker affliction. Jenny Houlton and Bishop Arkinson were mates.


  A few hours later, and having composed herself fully, Jenny smiled genuinely at Stoney as the nurse handed her a thermometer.

  “Worst case scenario is that it doesn’t work,” Lilly mimicked in a whiny tone sitting red faced on the exam table and glaring at Jenny as the Doctor rolled the thermometer along her forehead to take her temperature. “This!” Lilly jabbed a finger toward the door, “Should have probably topped the worst case scenario list!”

  Jenny shrugged one slim shoulder looking sheepish, “Come on, Lill, it’s not that bad.”

  “Not that bad?” Lilly threw herself back on the exam table, one slender arm lifting to rest on her forehead. “I’ve just been…claimed! And by a Walker that I…” She let her words die off as she sat up, crossed her arms over her chest, and scowled in displeasure.

  Jenny inched closer, “So, you don’t like him?” She replaced the thermometer and pulled out a large syringe, turning toward her patient.

  “It’s not the point if I like him or not. The point is, he’s claimed me and according to Stoney, that is permanent to a Walker. He thinks I’m his, Jenny!”

  “You are.”

  Lilly’s head snapped in the direction of the door, recognizing King’s enraged tone instantly. “King!” she growled in a rumble that would have made a Walker proud. “Get out!”

  “Is she okay,” he ignored Lilly to turn concerned eyes on Jenny. His eyes rounded momentarily as he eyed the large syringe in the Doctor’s hand. “Why is she here? What’s wrong with her? Is she not fully healed?” He paled, “Should we have waited.” His eyes darted to the syringe again, “What’s that for?”

  “Easy,” Jenny chuckled, surprisingly much more light hearted now that she was no longer carrying the weight of
her secret alone. “One question at a time, big guy.” She took a step toward Lilly and was cut off.

  Clearly, unable to control himself, King snarled darting in front of his mate with his claws extended, prepared to protect her.

  Lilly’s anger waned as a shiver rolled through her. She’d always dreamed of being the type of woman to elicit such possessive behavior from someone as purely male and commanding as King Mulholland. It was flattering, and she’d never realized how much she wanted a man to treat her that way until King had started.

  “She just needs a blood sample, King.” Lilly’s voice was soft with resignation. Clearly, he wasn’t leaving. “Please move and let her get what she needs.” Wanting nothing more than to curl up in King’s arms and have him carry her back to her cabin, Lilly knew Jenny was eager to run tests and see how the mating was affecting her.

  “Don’t hurt her,” King’s growled warning had Lilly smiling despite herself. When he finally stepped to the side, Jenny advanced with a roll of her eyes.

  “She’s not just my patient, King. She’s my friend. I won’t hurt her.”

  Jenny got her sample while Lilly fought back a wince. King was watching her like hawk and she knew that if she showed even the slightest hint of discomfort that Jenny’d never get her sample.

  Beside her, King tensed and didn’t blink for several long moments before he finally growled and plowed a hand into his short hair. “I have to go. Monroe needs me.” He sounded angry at being summoned. “Will you be okay?”

  Lilly smiled, “I’m fine. Go.” When he didn’t immediately move, she commanded more firmly, “GO!”

  Before she could react, he had a hand buried in the hair at the base of Lilly’s neck as he tilted her face up to gently assault her mouth. The kiss was over before Lilly even realized that instead of protesting, she’d melted into it as if it were the most natural thing in the world.