Marko Page 11
She’d die before she ever let them drag her back to be poked and prodded while she was with child. Nope, the little life struggling to grow in her belly needed her, and she was going to give her child every chance to thrive.
Thea leaned into the truck and snatched up her purse before rifling through it as she talked. “I’m not going anywhere. You need to go away and pretend you never saw me.”
His tone was firm as he replied, “That ain’t happening, honey.”
“The fuck it’s not.” Thea stepped away from the truck and faced him before lifting a hand. “And I’m not your honey.” She saw shock flash across Marko’s features the moment he realized she held a gun and it was pointed straight at him.
She commanded, “Get. Out. Of. My. Way!”
But he didn’t budge. His eyes narrowed to thin slits, and he dipped his chin like he was challenging her.
She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she wasn’t about to let him drag her back to StoneCrow where they’d discover she was pregnant. She wondered if her pregnancy would even prevent Jenny from torturing her with all those damn needles. “Marko, I’m warning you.” I should just shoot him. He’s a Walker. He’ll heal quickly.
“Shoot,” he challenged.
Marko was staring at her just as intensely as she was staring at him. She kept the gun leveled on him, eyes steady, jaw ticking. Why? Why be there for her now? He’d abandoned her at the estate. After all they’d shared, she’d woken alone, and the hollowing feeling in her middle had only intensified with each passing minute that no one had come to check on her. She’d been sick…crazed! And, Marko had taken such tender care of her. He’d been such a gentle lover that she’d convinced herself that there had been emotion involved in what they’d shared. She’d been wrong, and he’d left her feeling unimportant, insignificant. And now he wanted to take her back to StoneCrow? For what? Tests!
She barely kept a hand from dropping protectively over her belly. She had bigger concerns now than her damaged pride and wounded heart. She had a child to worry about. A child she wasn’t about to subject to more testing. If she went back, she’d have to come clean, and things would get complicated. Hell, she wasn’t even sure Skin Walkers would let her keep her baby. If she and Marko weren’t a couple and he wanted their baby, she was pretty sure Monroe wouldn’t let her just waltz off back to her own life with a Skin Walker child. The thought had her mouth going dry as fear filled her.
She shook the pistol once. “I mean it. Leave me alone.”
Suddenly, a blinding light flashed from Marko just as a high-pitched whine filled the air. Startled, Thea pulled the trigger as she flinched.
In front of her, Marko went down, and Thea’s heart stopped. Her eyes shot to where blood was seeping out of a hole in his shoulder, but she knew it shouldn’t be as agonizing as he was making it seem.
On his hands and knees, he threw his head back and roared a terrifying sound that had Thea stumbling backward.
I shot him! Holy shit! I shot him. I actually fucking shot him! She feigned a confidence she didn’t feel as she stated with a trembling voice, “Th-that’ll be the last…last warning you get.” Ghaa! The last warning you get? Who was this person that had taken over her body? She didn’t even know what was happening right now, but she masked it well as she stared curiously at Marko.
His hands fisted in the snow and he gnashed his teeth as his back arched in what looked like a painful convulsion. Were Skin Walkers allergic to bullets? Thea looked down at her pistol then back up.
Marko lifted his head. His eyes were all blown out, and long sharp incisors punched through his gums. He looked like a wild animal and the sounds coming from him sent chills blasting down her spine. She backed toward the truck.
“You can’t get away from me. I’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth.” His eyes dipped and landed on her stomach. And, for the first time since laying eyes on him again, Thea felt genuine fear.
“I’m coming for you. And, I’m coming for my child.”
He knows! She went dizzy with the knowledge. Shaking her head, she reached for the truck door with a shaky hand.
Marko’s eyes drifted back up to hers, but pinched shut as his body convulsed again and a loud roar left him.
Thea didn’t wait for any more threats. She scrambled up into the truck and threw it in gear. The truck's tires kicked up gravel and snow as she gunned it and peeled out, giving a wide berth to where Marko was still on his knees in the center of her lane, glaring at her like he actually hated her.
Thea’s eyes caught one last glimpse of him as he turned his head and watched her tear down the highway. He was frowning so damn hard, but his eyes promised retribution.
Oh, dear God, what have I done!
Chapter 23
Marko had finally found his Angel, and she’d just shot him and left him on the side of the road.
He pressed his hand tighter to his wound, knowing it was a serious concern because without his ability to shift, he’d also lost his ability to rapidly heal. Despite the pain though, he felt feral with the need to hunt Thea. His incisors were back, which was something at least. He’d even tried to shift, but nothing had happened, dousing his hopes that his animals were returning to him.
Shoving to his feet, he staggered with the pounding need to chase his Angel down. He’d never catch her like this though. Turning, he went against all his instincts and started walking back in the direction of the store.
Thea’s truck had only gone a few miles before he’d popped up from the back seat and scared her into an almost wreck. Still so close to the store, he knew that King and the team—who would have realized he was no longer at the store—would have heard the shot, and if not the shot, they’d definitely have heard his deafening roar.
Sure enough, a few moments later, a murder of crows was beating their wings like hell in a line that followed the highway. They were headed straight for him.
When the birds reached him, a few circled overhead while two went east, following the way Thea had gone. Now, he was pissed all over again and not just because he was bleeding like a damn sieve. No, he was murderous because even now King and his men could follow Thea and he couldn’t. Worse, they had no vehicle other than the chopper that’d have to be called back to retrieve him. There’d be a delay before he could give proper chase.
My Angel. My. Angel! He couldn’t stop repeating the two words in his head. Thea was his Angel, and she carried his child, and right now she was on the run…from him.
King, in human form, stepped from the tree line. “What in the hell happened?” His eyes dipped to Marko’s shoulder.
“She shot me.”
King’s eyes rounded before he barked a loud laugh. “Thea?” He crossed his arms and smiled. “Didn’t think she had it in her.”
“She’s getting away,” Marko snarled, hand still clamped over his bleeding wound.
King eyed the sky. “We’re on her. She won’t disappear. Not this time.”
Thea’s hands trembled on the steering wheel. What did I do? What did I do? Her eyes kept tracking to the rearview mirror. She half expected to see Marko chasing her down, which only had her pushing her foot more firmly on the gas pedal. I can’t believe I shot him!
What felt like nine hundred hours later, she pulled up to her cabin, the truck sliding in the gravel. She threw the door open and didn’t even bother closing it behind her. She didn’t plan on taking too long.
Inside the cabin, she made quick work of packing her things. It was a mad dash, and she had to keep going back to her room to grab things she’d forgotten behind the door and under the bed. Because she didn’t have a suitcase or even a duffel bag, everything was shoved into paper sacks from the store. Which reminded her. She hurried into the bathroom and pulled the sack of garbage out of the can beside the toilette. Yeah, Marko said he was coming for her and his child, but there was no sense leaving him any evidence to prove
his hunch. Because it had to be a hunch. Hell, she didn’t even know she was pregnant until that morning when she’d taken the pregnancy tests. Her mind replayed everything that had happened since she’d left the store. She cringed when she remembered rubbing her belly in the cab of the truck before she’d said out loud, “See, I’m not a total screw up. We can get through this together, little one.”
“Oh shit!” She moved faster and after a few trips out to the truck, she went back into the cabin for one last pass to ensure she hadn’t left anything. She sacked up most of her food and put it in the cab of the truck. The frozen goods were put in a separate sack and placed in the bed of the truck where they’d stay cold. She couldn’t afford to leave any of her provisions behind because right now the only plan she had was to run.
Closing the cabin door and pounding down the front steps, she eyed the area. In one glance she took in several animals. There was no way of knowing if they were Skin Walkers or actual animals. The best she could do was to put some distance between herself and them even knowing that the effort would be futile. If they were Skin Walkers and if they wanted to follow her, it’d be no hard task. Still, she had to do something besides simply sit and wait for them to come for her. And they would come. She’d just shot a Skin Walker Sentry, which meant there’d be hell to pay.
Chapter 24
Marko paced behind the line of surveillance equipment that had been hastily erected inside a tiny hotel room in the shitty little town where King’s men had followed Thea. She’d driven all through the night and had only stopped—they assumed—to finally get some rest.
She’d checked in then slipped into her room with nothing but the clothes on her back. That had been four hours ago, and in that time King’s Sentries had called in a second team. Marko had argued that a second team wasn’t necessary, but King only looked at where Lok was finally suturing the bullet wound in Marko’s shoulder before snorting.
Marko stopped and leaned over Bodi’s shoulder to eye the image on his laptop. Someone was passing by Thea’s door, but the man didn’t stop. He just kept right on going, and Marko scrubbed a hand down his face in frustration. “Let’s just go and take her!”
King barked, “Calm the fuck down, Marko! I’m not going to tell you again.” King shoved up from one of the laptops and paced to the door, peeking out before closing it silently. “She’s still armed, remember?”
Marko challenged, “And we’re Skin Walkers, remember?”
King’s lips thinned, and he shot Marko a sympathetic look. It was a look that spoke a thousand words. They were words that relayed that the team wasn’t moving in not because they were afraid for themselves, but because they were afraid for him. Marko was compromised, and they all knew it. He should have already healed from the bullet wound by the time they’d stopped at the hotel shortly after Thea had checked in. When King discovered that the wound hadn’t healed at all, he’d called Jenny. She’d demanded they bring Marko back to StoneCrow without delay. King had planned to make him head back too, and for an instant, Marko had considered divulging that Thea was his Angel. In the end, he decided to keep that bit of information to himself for the time being. The fact that he was the only one who could touch Thea without making her sick was the only reason Jenny and King had permitted him to stay on.
Marko’s cell rang loudly, and after hours of relative silence, the volume hurt his ears.
All eyes turned and watched him as he answered on the first ring, “Marko.”
James’ voice carried to him through the line as he responded like the smart ass he was, “Polo.”
Marko clenched his jaw.
“Not funny?” James asked and when Marko still didn’t reply he carried on. “O-kay. Anywhoo, just calling to let you know the real Sentries are here. Glad you ladies waited. Also, don’t know who you had to piss off to get your mist revoked, but you should seriously fix that. Like, come on bro, a phone?” Silence reigned a moment. “It was Monroe, wasn’t it? Did he take away your mist?” There was a muffled sound like James was covering up the mouthpiece of the phone, but Marko still heard him whisper-yell, “Conn! Can Monroe take away a Walker’s mist?”
Marko asked through clenched teeth, “Aside from announcing your annoying arrival, is there anything else?”
“What? Oh! Yeah. Recker flirted with the gal in the room next door to Thea’s. He’s inside having a drink and just contacted us…through the mist! He says he hears movement in Thea’s room. Lil’ Miss Trigger Happy is about to make a move.”
Thea peeked out of her door and watched the empty parking lot for several long minutes before deciding everything looked clear. Hurrying from her hotel room, she was lost in thoughts of Marko and shooting him and being chased down by Walkers. Her worries had her feet moving double time, a hand lowering to her belly as she considered taking a second to dig around the cabin of the truck for the vitamins she’d lost yesterday in the near wreck.
One missed vitamin would probably be okay. I could make it up with a healthy lunch at my next stop.
She realized too late that her distraction was a mistake. She wasn’t far into the parking lot when the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and her feet slowed as she scanned the parking lot. She could feel eyes on her. She knew she wasn’t alone.
Jerking her pistol free from where she’d had it tucked into the back of her pants, she spun while dropping to a knee. Her sight centered on the chest of a large man, who seemed shocked by her speed. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught more movement. A dozen men…no, not men. A dozen Walkers stepped out and surrounded her.
Shit! Still, she kept her gun aimed at the large man. Behind him, Marko stepped forward, dressed in his all white, full battle fatigues. The rest of the Sentries also looked like they were prepared for battle.
Thea didn’t even try to disguise the worry in her tone. “Revenge so soon?”
“Drop your weapon,” was Marko’s calm response.
When she didn’t immediately oblige, the circle of men surrounding her tightened, their hands going to their still holstered weapons.
Inhaling sharply, Thea’s eyes darted around the circle of men as worry washed over her. Her free hand dropped to flatten over her abdomen as if the act alone could protect her unborn child.
“Hands off your fucking weapons!” Marko bellowed.
The Walkers circling her lifted their hands and Thea rose to her feet, keeping the pistol pointed at the Sentry in front of her while her other hand remained clamped over her belly. “C-Call ‘em off, Marko.”
Stalking forward, he stood in front of the large Sentry so Thea’s gun was now pointed at him. He shook his head grimly. “Not happening, honey.”
Thea’s eyes narrowed to cruel slits. “You’re kidding right?” She shook the pistol in her hand. “You know I’m good for it. Do not test me!”
Chapter 25
Marko smirked. “Yeah, I know you have no qualms about shooting me, but I’m not so inclined where you and my child are concerned.” He glanced over her shoulder. “They have a tranq ready to put you down, but I’m hoping you’ll come peacefully.” Concern marred his brow as his eyes dipped to her belly. “Jenny thinks the tranq wouldn’t hurt the baby, but she’s not one hundred percent certain. There could still be traces of the other drug in your system. She doesn’t know what an interaction would do.” He lifted dark eyes to hers. “Don’t make me take that chance, Thea. Don’t risk hurting our baby.”
Stepping back, Thea paled and swallowed hard. “You…you’d really let them shoot me? Shoot us?”
He winced at the betrayal in her voice but nodded once hard. “To keep you both safe, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do.”
Thea kept her gun leveled at him for long moments as she contemplated her options. Her eyes darted around the circle of men for an escape, but there was none.
Finally, she looked up at Marko with pleading eyes and asked, “M-Marko?”
He knew what she was asking. She want
ed him to permit her to walk away. It wasn’t happening. Not now. Not ever again. His voice was full of conviction as he commanded, “Lower your weapon, Thea.”
Agitated, she cast a quick glance toward the movement over her shoulder. One of the Sentries lifted a weapon and aimed it at her.
Her head whipped around to Marko as fear spiked. “No tranqs!” Her hand shook as she tightened her grip on her gun.
“Easy,” Marko crooned, holding up his hands in a soothing gesture. “No tranqs,” he repeated then looked over her shoulder and shook his head.
Thea knew a losing battle when she saw one. She slowly pulled her hand back and released her pistol, so it swung on her index finger while her gaze was locked with Marko’s. “No one’s hurting my baby!”
Marko shook his head again and amended, “No one’s hurting our baby.”
“They can’t…” She looked around. “No one can touch me.” She looked right at him. “No one but you. It hurts us.”
Marko nodded. “No one but me, baby.”
Dropping to a squat, Thea placed her pistol on the ground and eyed the ring of Sentries as they moved in. She wanted to fight it out or run but knew she could do neither. So, she dropped to her knees and wrapped both arms around her abdomen. She knew she should lace her fingers behind her head, but no way was she surrendering and leaving her baby without some form of shield.
Marko was the first to reach her. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he gripped her shoulders and squeezed. “I got you,” he whispered. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”
She blinked back the tears that flooded her eyes and looked to the side. She felt betrayed, and it only intensified when Marko held out his hand and someone handed him zip ties.
Standing, he hauled her up with him before he caught one elbow and then the other, pulling her arms and clamping her wrists together with one of his hands.