Skin Walkers - King Page 11
Lilly sighed in exasperation. It was impossible to keep anything a secret here. “I’m just not used to being away from home.”
Jenny stared at her angrily, “That’s a lie. What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Lilly barked defensively. “Do we have to discuss everything?”
Jenny set her e-tablet on the nearest table and propped one hand on her hip. “Look, I’m trying to prep you for some unprecedented treatment. So yes, we have to discuss everything.”
Lilly rolled her eyes. “It’s just a few nightmares. Once I wake up and shake ‘em off, I fall right back asleep.”
Lilly’s frown softened to concern, “Do you need something to help you sleep?”
“Lilly, if...”
“Fine.” Jenny picked up her tablet and continued her exam. She took Lilly’s blood pressure, checked her shoulder wound, and then pulled up a stool. “So, you’re progressing well enough for us to proceed as planned.”
For the first time in days, Lilly felt a sense of hope. “So you’ve got my list of candidates?”
“Well,” Jenny began, but Lilly stopped her.
“Wait! Are we alone?”
Jenny’s brow wrinkled. “Yes, we’re alone.”
Lilly frowned at the door, “No, are we alone.”
Jenny smiled then went to the door, opened it wide and stepped out into the hall before turning back to Lilly, “Yes, we’re alone.”
Lilly waved the Doctor back in excitedly. “Okay, so back to my list of candidates. What should I be looking for?”
Jenny rubbed her hands together. “Before we go over the candidates, you need to know that there are certain factors to consider. First, intelligence, physical strength, and character are all traits you’ll want to fully consider. You also need to know that Walkers are different from other men, Lilly. Mated Walkers are excluded from being candidates.”
Lilly’s brows knitted, “Why?”
“Because we have animalistic tendencies. We’re extremely territorial and fiercely possessive. So much so, that no married Walker could have his scent on a woman that’s not his angel.”
“His scent?” While Jenny had been teaching Lilly more and more about Skin Walkers and their abilities, there always seemed to be some new revelation that had Lilly perplexed.
“I’m not even sure you’ll be marked, but to be safe I’ve excluded all mated Walkers.”
Lilly gnawed on her bottom lip. It sounded so personal, so permanent. “Will there be side effects?”
Jenny shook her head, “None that we can predict.”
“That you can predict?” Lilly’s eyes rounded. “That’s not very reassuring.”
“Like I said, Lilly, this is unprecedented. Yours will be a case of first impression.” Jenny held up both hands, “There are no side effects we can predict, but we’re basing our assumptions on research and our best educated guess. I can’t guarantee you anything, not even that the treatment will be successful. But it’s your only hope for conception.”
Lilly gnawed on her lip a few more moments, her hands wringing together in her lap. “None of this will kill me will it?”
Jenny shook her head. “No. Worst case scenario is that it doesn’t work. Other than that, we don’t anticipate any adverse reactions.”
Lilly nodded, “Ok, I’m in. Who are my candidates?”
Jenny grabbed her e-tablet and swiped through several screens. “Your choices are Bronco, York, Lok, Legion, Marko, or RedKnife.”
Lilly was staring through the wall. Disappointment was swift when King’s name wasn’t mentioned. “That’s a helluva list.”
“Yes,” Jenny nodded, “I was delighted to have so many volunteers.”
Lilly sobered as her face paled. “They don’t know what they’re volunteering for do they?”
“No. This is completely confidential. We’ll collect the samples from each Walker and go from there.” It was a lie. She’d only be taking samples from King because she knew from her experimenting that he was a match for Lilly, but without him on the list, Lilly’d never know.
“Jenny, I trust you. First things first. I need to weed through the candidates.” Lilly reclined into the pillows at her back.
“Here’s the list.” Jenny handed her a slip of paper with the names and stats of each Walker. “We’ll meet again in two days, and I need an answer by then.” Two days would be enough to get Jenny more time manipulating King and Lilly’s samples.
“Before,” Lilly studied the paper without really seeing it, “you said the other couple. They had sex. You hinted it’d be more successful.”
“I didn’t hint. We know it’s successful because it worked, but because you’re not mated to a Walker, we’ll try the artificial insemination first and go from there.
It worked. The knowledge set Lilly’s wheels to spinning.
Chapter 18
Two weeks later, Monroe eyed Lilly suspiciously as she stood in his office fidgeting uncharacteristically. “Ms. Worthington?” He tore his eyes from her to get back to signing paperwork. “Speak.”
She’d put Jenny off for as long as she could. Feigning weakness, she’d bought a few more weeks to heal and to think before she set her plan in motion. Today was the perfect day because King was currently in the surveillance room with Bishop going over recent upgrades to the security system.
Lilly shot straight to the heart of the matter. “I need a favor.”
That got the CEO’s attention. Slowly, he set his pen down and straightened in his chair. “Money?”
Lilly rolled her eyes, “No! I need…something…else.”
Suddenly, she’d lost her nerve as Monroe stared at her and guilt over going behind Jenny’s back gnawed at her. “I’ve done a great deal for you, Mr. StoneCrow. A great deal for you and your Skin Walkers. I’ve sacrificed my time, my weekends, my…” a hand dropped to flatten on her abdomen. “Well, there have been personal sacrifices as well.”
His eyes narrowed on her. “Ask.”
“Jenny thinks that with your…healing abilities, that a sample from a Walker might rectify what’s been done to me.”
Dark brows hiked in confusion forcing Lilly to race on. “Well, not a sample per se.” She felt herself blush as she wrung her hands together.
“You need to make sense, Ms. Worthington.”
Drawing in a steadying breath, she tried again. “Jenny is certain that the damage done to me can not only be repaired, but that I might someday successfully conceive a child. She could try with a sample but she thinks that…seed from the,” she cleared her throat and was suddenly fascinated with the edge of his desk, “source would have a greater affect. As such, I don’t want to waste my time and efforts on anything less than my best possible chance.”
“And that’s where the favor comes in?”
She exhaled in relief, glad he finally seemed to understand. “Yes!”
A moment of silence hung between them before he finally said, “And you don’t think that’ll make for an uncomfortable working environment between us?”
Confusion hit. “Why would that make it…” Her cheeks seared so brightly that her eyes began to water with the dawning horror. “Oh my God! Not you!” She was shaking her head and holding up her hands, “I wasn’t asking for you to be the donor!” She heard a chuff of amusement and glared at Monroe. “I wasn’t asking for you.”
“Tell me what you want, Ms. Worthington.”
“I want…” she swallowed hard. “I’d like for you to get King Mulholland to…donate.”
“King?” Monroe leaned his elbows on his desk, a smile spreading across his features. “Get King Mulholland to donate. And by get do you mean ask or tell?”
Lilly lifted her chin defiantly. “Make!” she challenged. “I’m not asking for a relationship, and if it works I won’t seek child support or anything else. I won’t even tell my child who the donor was. I’m not looking for a lifelong com
mitment from him. I just want the chance at having a child.”
Monroe’s grin spread and the sight of its rare appearance was chilling. “You want me to make King have sex with you in the hopes that his semen will repair and impregnate you?”
When he put it like that it sounded horrendous. “Yes.”
The smile left his lips and his head titled to the side as he regarded her. “You’re a beautiful woman, Lilly. You could have your pick of any number of Walkers here. Why not date one of them?”
“I don’t want to date. I want the damage that was done to me repaired, and if I am so fortunate, I’d like the chance at motherhood. No strings attached. I want it done now, not in six months or three years. I can’t live without knowing if I’m beyond repair, or if I’m destined for a childless future. I need to know. I have to try.”
“And you don’t think King would object. That if he sired a child that he’d want to a part of that child’s life.”
“He doesn’t want to stay here at StoneCrow. You know this. He’s going to put in his year and be gone. It’s already been a few months. By the time his year is up—assuming I eventually become pregnant—he’ll be long gone before the child is born.”
Dark brows speared down and Monroe folded his hands over his desk, “Tell me again why you think I can make this happen.”
Lilly was done playing games. She closed the distance to his desk and planted her hands on it, leaning forward. “You and I both know that you can make just about anything happen. You owe me, and I’ve earned this.” She righted herself, “I’m asking you to make this happen for me, Mr. StoneCrow. I’ve never asked you for a damn thing, but I’m asking for this.”
His steady eyes stayed locked on hers, and after a few tense moments he finally blinked and unfolded his hands, relaxing back in his chair. “I’ll get you King, but I’m not promising anything else. If it doesn’t work, if you don’t heal or conceive, it’s not on me.”
“That’s all I’m asking.” Lilly turned and exited his office, not stopping in her own reception area, but heading straight for the ladies room where she locked the door behind her, buried her face in her hands, and slid down the door to the floor. I can’t believe I just did that!
Sitting behind her desk at nearly five o’clock, Lilly tucked the last bit of filing into her cabinet and stood. Stretching, she was relieved that Monroe hadn’t summoned her back into his office all day to tell her how absurd her request had been. She’d thought on it all day long and the more she replayed the conversation in her head, the more embarrassed she became.
She’d just retrieved her purse when Monroe’s door open and he poked his head out. As was typical for five, his jacket had been shed, his tie was missing and the sleeves of his crisp white shirt were rolled to the elbows.
“I ordered your dinner,” she offered as she pulled her purse over her arm. “It’ll be delivered shortly.” She turned and was heading for the exit.
“Good. I just wanted to let you know that King’ll be by your cabin tonight.”
Lilly stopped in her tracks. TONIGHT! She turned and attempted a casual tone that came out sounding too thin even to her own ears, “Oh? So soon. I thought you’d need to discuss it.”
“You of all people know that I don’t discuss. I command.” When Lilly didn’t move, Monroe took a step out of his office. “You of all people should also know better than to ask me for something if you’re not certain it’s what you want.”
Lilly blinked and met his eyes. “I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Good,” Monroe turned and entered his office throwing over his shoulder, “He’ll be at your place at seven.” Then his office door slammed closed leaving Lilly thunderstruck.
The room seemed to spin and her belly dropped. Seven? She turned to eye the clock. Five on the dot. Lilly spun to race to the parking garage, doing a mental checklist: shower, scented lotion. Lingerie? Music? Wine? Definitely no to the music and wine, this isn’t a damn date.
Lilly hurried back to her cabin to make preparations even as fearful butterflies flitted an equally excited dance in her belly. She was about to kill two birds with one stone. She’d find out if a Walker could in fact heal her, and her persistent attraction to King would finally be sated…she hoped.
King sat staring, slack-jawed, at the monitor’s in the estate’s hidden surveillance office. Beside him, Bishop Arkinson had no idea that King was no longer paying attention as the Walker Sentry rattled off a list of upgrades he’d made to the equipment earlier that day.
No, King’s thoughts were on more savagely carnal thoughts. Sitting in the desk chair, his knee began to bounce rapidly of its own accord. His eyes darted to the clock. Two hours, twelve minutes, and…twenty-seven seconds until he deployed on the greatest mission he’d ever accepted. That’s what Monroe had called it when he’d summoned him through the mist to tell him of Lilly’s request. At first, he’d thought it a ruse, but at Monroe’s insistent tone, King’s shock was devoured by his pride that Lilly had summoned him! But why she’d felt the need to go through Monroe, he didn’t know. She had but to ask. His eyes darted to the clock again, and to his chagrin, a fine sweat broke out over his body as his beasts within pranced excitedly, nipping, and whining for him to go now.
His eyes snapped to Bishop and he realized the Walker must have been trying to get his attention for quite some time.
“You alright man, you look all…flushed.”
Under his hands, the wooden arms of the chair creaked and King had to force himself to release the arm rests and still his leg. Even his iron control couldn’t keep him from smiling like an idiot. “I’m good. You got this? I gotta run.” He didn’t wait for an answer as he propelled himself out of the chair and hurried from the office.
He rushed to the lobby of the manor and bypassed the elevator to take the stairs three at a time. Ear-to-ear grin still in place, he hurried to his cabin to shower even as he tried to place the emotion that kept bubbling to the surface. At his door, he stopped and chuffed a laugh. Giddy. The Chief of Security for StoneCrow Estates, and its most lethal assassin, was kid-before-Christmas fucking giddy!
Chapter 19
Lilly had showered, shaved, lotioned, and donned her sexiest lingerie. Practically pacing a track in the carpet, she downed another drink of her wine. At first, she’d opted against it, but her nerves were too on edge to go through with what she was about to do without a little liquid courage.
Glancing at the clock she ground her teeth in frustration. It was ten minutes to seven and her nerves grew more taut with each passing second. Setting her glass down she tromped back to the bedroom to check her make-up in the mirror for the hundredth time. Her hair was down and her golden locks, fanned about her shoulders, shone brightly from repeated brushing. She didn’t want to look as if she’d gone to great efforts, so she’d opted to reapply her make-up in the exact fashion that she wore it daily for work. Her eyes slid down her frame to the white satin robe that covered the lace negligee she wore underneath. She still couldn’t decide if the outfit was too much, but in the end she simply didn’t know what one wore to a prearranged sex session with a sexy ass Walker that was ordered to fuck her.
The realization of what she was about to do sent another punch of anxiety to her belly. The closer it got to seven, the more she talked herself out of going through with it. I could date. Find another Walker and see what happens. Untying the sash on her robe, she peeled it back to stare at her ensemble. A cream-colored bodice pushed her breasts high while cinching in to make her waist look incredibly small. A matching thong was paired with thigh-high nylons that tapered down statuesque legs to feet encased in tall high heels. Drawing her attention back up to her face Lilly blanched, “What in the hell am I doing?”
She ripped the robe off even as she kicked out of her heels and eyed the clock on the wall of her bathroom. Shit! Four minutes! She raced to her room tearing one stocking down a le
g and slowing to hop to her dresser as she simultaneously peeled the stocking off and yanked a drawer open looking for her typical night attire of t-shirt and shorts.
One hand dove into the drawer and grabbed her favorite, worn, Oakland A’s, t-shirt that had become sheep-skin-soft from too many washes. She tossed the shirt on the bed and pulled free a plaid set of women’s boxer shorts she bought for sleeping in. Boxers still fisted in one hand, she peeled the thong from her thighs and tossed it on the floor before both hands reached to the back of the bodice to begin unfastening all the damn buttons she’d fantasized earlier King would enjoy popping open one-by-one. Her hands stilled when there was a knock at the door. Eyes shooting to the clock she cursed King’s early arrival. A minute or not, she needed the damn time.
One foot kicked the thong, heels, and stockings under the bed as her fingers faltered with the buttons on the back of the bodice. “Shit! Come on!”
Impatient knocking sounded again just as the bodice came free. Naked, Lilly reached for her t-shirt when she heard the front door to the cabin open. NO! Forgetting the boxers and t-shirt, her hand seized the satiny robe she’d only just discarded and she shoved her arms into the garment before hastily tying it tightly at the waist.
King’s voice was unmistakable.
“Be right there!” The tightness of her voice sounded suspicious even to her own ears, but it was too late now. Dashing to the mirror, she finger-combed her hair and spun as the bedroom door was pushed open.
“Lilly?” King’s mesmerizing green eyes locked on her. “Everything okay?”
On his way to the cabin, King had designs on talking Lilly out of her crazy request, but seeing her now…well, that plan was out the fucking window.
She was leaning back against her dresser, her arms braced behind her on the table. Chest heaving from some exertion, her cheeks were bright pink—whether from embarrassment or that same unknown exertion, King didn’t know. She was wearing a skimpy little satin robe that was hiked high on her thighs because of the way she leaned on her dresser. One leg was partially hiked up as if she’d been contemplating sitting on the piece of furniture. Legs slightly spread, the satiny robe split to flash creamy inner thigh. King’s eyes devoured the sight of her and not surprising at all, his cock instantly jerked to life.